The end of a great data project using Google Docs and Moodle

Each year for the last 4 years I’ve taught surveys and databases to my year 7 class.We used to start off by creating a spreadsheet with columns for name, age, favourite food and send all the students wandering around the classrooms to collect details from their friends.Next we went on to make a survey on …

If Cinemas were like schools…

Thanks to Paul Bogush for inspiring this blog post. In fact credit where it’s due all I’ve done is copied and pasted the original, translated it into the UK English and edited and added a little with some UK cultural references. Paul also referenced some other great blogs in his post including this one comparing …

VLEs, costs, features and why I’ve fallen for Moodle

Although the market is more developed than when I started looking at and learning about VLEs about 3 years ago it’s still very confusing. In the UK there are approximately 10 Becta approved learning platforms (note that’s learning platforms rather than VLEs). There’s also probably another 10 or so out there that I’ve looked at …

Revision Songs – simple to do

This was presented at Teachmeet Havering 2009… Every Summer before GCSE exams you get a couple of weeks when you need to be revising. Students minds are not filled with thoughts of exam preparation but thoughts of leaving school (some for good) and the days get longer and warmer. It can be a very hard …

Teachmeet Havering – questions raised and top 4 highlights

Teachmeet North East London was different from any other teachmeet I’d been to but still invigorating, educational and fun! A short blog post from me about 3 interesting issues raised. I also wanted to share what I thought were the outstanding presentations I heard. But first a bit of self publicity – I presented on …

Teachmeet North East London

I’m looking forward to Teachmeet North East London tonight . Well partly looking forward and partly wondering how I’m going to keep my eyes open after another “one of those weeks and weekends”! If you don’t know about Teachmeet you can read about it on their website or in my previous blog posts…  … I ran out …

VLEs, Cyberbullying and year 7 – part 2: The Good

Sorry there is no part 3: The ugly but do take a look at part one of this story here Welcome to part 2. In part one I described the frustrations of trying to build up a course on our VLE on e-safety. Here’s how my course ended up looking Before we got to the …

VLEs, Cyberbullying and year 7 – part 1: The Bad

Welcome to the first of a 2 part post – the good and the bad. What do you want first, the bad news or the good news? I’m going with the bad. This is the story of a lesson or series of lessons introducing our VLE to new year 7 pupils as well as starting …