Seeing through the “digital gloss”, the fine line between propoganda and social activism in a digital world (Kony 2012)

We live in a digital world where everyone has the opportunity to be a creator and where we are all consumers of information. Aside from the occasional paywalled website, information is free and accessible by all in a variety of formats. This last week a video entitled “Kony 2012” has gone viral and sparked a …

Goodbye ICT, Hello Computing, says UK education minister Michael Gove

This morning I woke up to the rather alarming headline that “dull” ICT was to be dropped from the school curriculum to be replaced by computing. The story coming on the back of a department of education press release summarising  a speech to be given later in the day by education minister Michael Gove. I’ve …

Around the World in 8(0) Webcams – Limmud session 2011

As these details won’t be in the Limmud handbook… and as there are 10 places for online viewers… please pass on details of this session to anyone who may be interested! Around the World in 8(0) Webcams – Monday 26th December – 18.40-19.50 (GMT)   Joining Limmud conference, via webcam, for this session only …

Limmud Conference Live Webcasts 2011

I’m very pleased that Limmud Conference will once again be streaming a selection of sessions. Pleased partly because I was one of the people who helped bring online streaming to Limmud last year and experimented with various forms of streaming for my own sessions in previous years. Pleased even more because I won’t be at Limmud this …

Is there such a thing as too much innovation? #c84c

Tomorrow evening I’m doing a presentation and discussion to Collaborate for Change ( twitter hashtag #c84c) I ran a table discussion at the last c84c at BETT last January (you can see the video at the bottom of this blog post) on “How can we encourage teachers to take risks and innovate with technology”. The …

Do Teens Use Twitter?

Common wisdom says teens don’t twitter Here’s a few articles saying exactly that (in chronological order 2011 to 2009) While it may be the case that the majority of teens don’t tweet judging by today’s trends on Twitter in the UK they certainly have a strong presence. All the trending …

Purposedfutured Interview with Rabbi Pete Tobias

The Purposed Project has got me writing on my blog again rather than just thinking of things I should get round to writing. I’ve taken part in 3 stages of the project starting with my earlier blog post “Time To Learn”, then a bit more passively with this lovely picture quote mashup created and contributed …

Education Blog Awards 2011

It was very nice to receive a tweet this morning from Chris Ratcliffe (@chrisrat) to tell me I had been nominated for the Education Blog Awards 2011 in the category, “Teacher Blog of the Year” Thanks to whoever nominated me, it’s the first time I’ve ever been nominated for anything like this. I started my …

Purpos/ed – time to learn

This is my 500 words for Purpose/d. Another wonderful project from a group of educators looking to inspire, create debate and eventually change. I’m supposed to read the posts before mine and respond to some of the points. I’ve read some but not all, and I’ll use that as my segway to my 500 words, …

Twitter – an introduction for teachers

As promised in my earlier blog post “Why Twitter is good for teachers – thanks to…” here is the video and some brief written tips, on Twitter for teachers. This video was part of a longer presentation I gave to an international group of teachers at the World ORT Wingate Seminar 2011 on Digital Content …