Teachmeet 09 at BETT

Another year another BETT another Teachmeet As Lisa Stevens said in her teachmeet talk it’s amazing how much you can learn in a year. Last year at Teachmeet the only person I vaguely knew was Drew Buddie. He introduced me to a couple of people and a few weeks later when we met again he …

Introducing VLEs to students – sensible use, effective use

What’s the best way to introduce students to using a VLE? Students may be digital natives but my experience is that they don’t automatically know how to use digital tools effectively. They also don’t always know how to use digital tools sensibly. Children learn from an early age how to behave in a classroom and …

E-tools e-learning and e-communication for e-veryone – summary

We started with Flashmeeting where Lisa and Mary said hi and told us about twitter and flashmeeting. (You can view the replay of the flashmeeting here). This is a summary and doesn’t include the great discussion and explanation we had at the same time. Flashmeeting is available to UK schools though if you ask them …

E-tools e-learning and e-communication for everyone – share!

A bit of a cheeky blog post or just making the most of my online network? In about 6 hours from now I’m running a session described in our conference book as e-Tools, e-Learning, and e-Communication for e-veryone The presenter will show some amazing and free e-tools that you can use for learning, teaching, networking, …

E-learning ideas for Limmud Conference

Below is a summary of the session of 28th December from Limmud Conference Participants: 1x school e-learning person 1x organiser of business e-learning systems 1x open university professor using e-learning 1x enthusiastic user 1x English teacher in Israel 1x Director of Jerusalem cultural institute   Presentation of Ideas to get started On limmud: Streaming sessions …

Using Google Sites in School

We’ve recently created accounts for every student at Google apps for education. We registered a new domain for this at www.rickyschool.com . This provides e-mail, google docs, google start page, google calendar and google sites for all users. I’m still not 100% sure what it will be used for long term but I am convinced …

Top software and hardware for creating great VLE resources? Any tips?

Thanks to choosing Moodle as our VLE our school has a VLE budget to spend on training, hardware and resources. Okay we didn’t get quotes from every supplier out there but the first one we had in quoted around £30,000 for their “package”. Our current budget is more modest (I won’t put the figure online …

Setting up VLE staff accounts, permissions and roles

Starting things up again, like a new VLE, takes time. More time than even a pessimist like me expected! So here’s a little summary of what we’ve done over the last few weeks and what we plan to do. I’m not sure this will be exciting reading but it may be of use to other …