Gender stereotypes in life, in schools and in education

Certainly in the UK, and I know in many other countries we have problems getting girls and boys to study some subjects. As a Computer Science undergraduate at Edinburgh and Birmingham Universities it was hard not to notice the ratio of boys to girls, I would estimate at least 80% boys when I studied 10 …

Controlled Assessment on computers – how do you do it?

For those looking for an easy answer on how to do controlled assessments… I’m afriad I haven’t got it yet. In the UK the exam boards have come up with the concept of Controlled Assessment – this is a replacement for coursework, much of which was done at home which was seen to be too …

Teachmeet Moodle reflections

Thanks to all the organisers of Teachmeet Moodle. It was a well spent 5 hours or so! I have a few reflections, some on the great Moodling I saw, and some on the Teachmeet format. Moodle Reflections: There were some superb presentations on the day – many of which are linked to on the Teachmeet …

Teachmeet Moodle and Teachmeet Fishbowl

There’s a great run of Teachmeets on at the moment – where I am just North of London there have been about 4 or 5 within an hour’s drive of here in the last month. If you’ve not been to a Teachmeet try one out, they are great opportunities for learning, entertainment and networking and the …

Using Ducks to promote our school VLE

Our biology staff recently refurbished our school pond which had  been lying empty of  both water and life for many years. About 2 months ago a pair of handsome ducks decided to take up residence at the pond. As you can imagine this was rather an exciting event both for the students and staff at …

Goodbye Year 11, Certificates and Facebook

Yesterday I had my last ICT lesson with my Year 11 GCSE ICT class. They leave school for study leave on Thursday. We had a little party with cake, took a group photo and I printed them all certificates with a different award for each pupil. (A good bit of mail merge revision too!) One girl took out …

In our courtyard

Something a little different from my usual posts. Yesterday I came across a video on a friends facebook page of the song Etzleinu Bechatzer featuring students of the Bialik-Rogozin school in Tel Aviv. The song title translates as “In our courtyard” and celebrates the many cultures and langauges around the world. You can see the …

Staff E-learning Newsletter – Issue 2

Below is our latest staff e-learning newsletter that was supposed to get sent out in the last week of term but got caught in the chaos of the snow! It’s been slightly edited for privacy reasons. ___________________________________________________________ Here’s what in this newsletter 1. Reminder of how to get on the VLE 2. It’s Google Time …

BETT 2010 Fringe Events, TEDx, Amplified & Teachmeet

If you are lucky enough to be going and haven’t already made plans for your evening(s), I’d like to draw your attention to some events that might prove a welcome and invigorating contrast to the hurly-burly of the exhibition floor. On Wednesday 13th Jan at 6pm there will be a free TEDx event with a …