Is Starbucks Diversity Training a waste of time?

Starbucks are closing 8000 stores in the USA today to give all their employees 4 hours in unconscious bias training. This was a reaction to an incident in one of their stores where two black entrepreneurs who had setup a business meeting in Starbucks had first been refused entry to the toilet and then had …

Learning, Champions League and a trip to Monaco

What is a great learning experience you have had? An aha moment where you remembered something you learnt a long time before. Write yours below! Here’s mine, and it’s a little related to the Champions League game between Chelsea and Barcelona tonight! Back in 2001 I was a student at Birmingham University in my final …

Two learning inspirations I want to try in 2018

The year is now 2018, the fireworks are long gone but as it’s still January there is still time for anyone and everyone to make their recommendations for the year. Be it a fashion trend, a stock pick, a cryptocurrency (that’ll get me a few extra hits on this article), a business trend or how …

Examples of using IT tools in ways not intended (for learning)

In my previous post I rambled on a bit too much about the Wombles before making the point that even if you don’t have the fanciest, latest software there is still a lot you can do. I promised some examples. I should have maybe given this article a cooler heading like “Hack your IT systems” …

Education Blog Awards 2011

It was very nice to receive a tweet this morning from Chris Ratcliffe (@chrisrat) to tell me I had been nominated for the Education Blog Awards 2011 in the category, “Teacher Blog of the Year” Thanks to whoever nominated me, it’s the first time I’ve ever been nominated for anything like this. I started my …

Using Ducks to promote our school VLE

Our biology staff recently refurbished our school pond which had  been lying empty of  both water and life for many years. About 2 months ago a pair of handsome ducks decided to take up residence at the pond. As you can imagine this was rather an exciting event both for the students and staff at …

BETT 2010 Fringe Events, TEDx, Amplified & Teachmeet

If you are lucky enough to be going and haven’t already made plans for your evening(s), I’d like to draw your attention to some events that might prove a welcome and invigorating contrast to the hurly-burly of the exhibition floor. On Wednesday 13th Jan at 6pm there will be a free TEDx event with a …

If Cinemas were like schools…

Thanks to Paul Bogush for inspiring this blog post. In fact credit where it’s due all I’ve done is copied and pasted the original, translated it into the UK English and edited and added a little with some UK cultural references. Paul also referenced some other great blogs in his post including this one comparing …

Staff Training and Staff E-learning Club

One of the major tasks I will have this year implementing our new VLE is to train staff. To get staff on board I will need as many staff  on my side as possible and one idea I had was to run a separate group of teachers not just learning to use the VLE but …