Gender stereotypes in life, in schools and in education

Certainly in the UK, and I know in many other countries we have problems getting girls and boys to study some subjects. As a Computer Science undergraduate at Edinburgh and Birmingham Universities it was hard not to notice the ratio of boys to girls, I would estimate at least 80% boys when I studied 10 …

Controlled Assessment on computers – how do you do it?

For those looking for an easy answer on how to do controlled assessments… I’m afriad I haven’t got it yet. In the UK the exam boards have come up with the concept of Controlled Assessment – this is a replacement for coursework, much of which was done at home which was seen to be too …

Goodbye Year 11, Certificates and Facebook

Yesterday I had my last ICT lesson with my Year 11 GCSE ICT class. They leave school for study leave on Thursday. We had a little party with cake, took a group photo and I printed them all certificates with a different award for each pupil. (A good bit of mail merge revision too!) One girl took out …

In our courtyard

Something a little different from my usual posts. Yesterday I came across a video on a friends facebook page of the song Etzleinu Bechatzer featuring students of the Bialik-Rogozin school in Tel Aviv. The song title translates as “In our courtyard” and celebrates the many cultures and langauges around the world. You can see the …

5 minutes of fame – TDA Christmas ICT Videos

About a month ago I was contacted by a PR agency working for the TDA on teacher recruitment. They were looking to make a Youtube film to attract people into ICT Teaching following a similar successful campaign around maths in everyday life. Amazingly they approached me after reading this blog and hearing my interview for …

Mentoring, Online lessons, virtual tours and computing in school – all in a days work!

Often good things come at once. Sometimes they come at the same time and you can’t make them all – but yesterday the all worked out fine and I had a busy but fantastic day that I had to share on my blog! On a normal day I’m in school all day, teaching classes, preparing …

Summer bloggin’, happened so slow…

This Summer I’ve been a bad blogger despite having so many posts up my sleeves and in progress. 2 weeks left until school starts and I’m setting myself up a mini office (a laptop ona table) to mark coursework, learn a programming language, get up to date on the new A2 course and of course …