Thanks to all the organisers of Teachmeet Moodle. It was a well spent 5 hours or so! I have a few reflections, some on the great Moodling I saw, and some on the Teachmeet format. Moodle Reflections: There were some superb presentations on the day – many of which are linked to on the Teachmeet …
Tag Archives: moodle
Teachmeet Moodle and Teachmeet Fishbowl
There’s a great run of Teachmeets on at the moment – where I am just North of London there have been about 4 or 5 within an hour’s drive of here in the last month. If you’ve not been to a Teachmeet try one out, they are great opportunities for learning, entertainment and networking and the …
VLEs, costs, features and why I’ve fallen for Moodle
Although the market is more developed than when I started looking at and learning about VLEs about 3 years ago it’s still very confusing. In the UK there are approximately 10 Becta approved learning platforms (note that’s learning platforms rather than VLEs). There’s also probably another 10 or so out there that I’ve looked at …
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Top software and hardware for creating great VLE resources? Any tips?
Thanks to choosing Moodle as our VLE our school has a VLE budget to spend on training, hardware and resources. Okay we didn’t get quotes from every supplier out there but the first one we had in quoted around £30,000 for their “package”. Our current budget is more modest (I won’t put the figure online …
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Setting up VLE staff accounts, permissions and roles
Starting things up again, like a new VLE, takes time. More time than even a pessimist like me expected! So here’s a little summary of what we’ve done over the last few weeks and what we plan to do. I’m not sure this will be exciting reading but it may be of use to other …
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Hosting your VLE – internal hosting vs external hosting
So we’re onto the next stage of our VLE decision making. The last year with Rickypedia has, as I’ve said before, been a pilot project to experiment and learn. Now we are planning a larger and I hope more stable system. The first step was deciding which system to go with. We decided on Moodle …
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An enthusiastic new class of year 7s
Our Rickypedia VLE is still very much a pilot website with only a selection of students and teachers on the system. I’ve added new students and classes as I’ve been ready to experiment with them or as I have had requests from other teachers. One of our student teachers (or beginning teachers as they are …