Making good use of the things that we find

Readers who were children in the 70s or 80s, (or frequenters of Wimbledon Common) may have heard of the Wombles. They were a fictional group of furry rodent like creatures who collected old rubbish and recycled and reused it in creative ways. In many ways ahead of their times before recycling was trendy, but still …

Sometimes the simplest problems are the hardest to solve

Have you ever tried to show someone how to do something easy? Of course you have, you do it all the time without even thinking about it especially if you have kids. But what happens if you have 1000 people you need to show, who all have a different starting point, who all demand something …

Er datamaskinen et godt læringsverktøy for alle? Mine refleksjoner og tilbakeblikk

I recently managed to fully complete my first MOOC after previous courses where I dropped out after a few weeks. The course was a very good course run by Norwegian University NTNU called Smart Læring (English: Smart Learning). I will reflect on the course more in another post but for those who read Norwegian you are welcome …

Why do people get so angry about children learning with technology?

A picture popped up on my Facebook feed today which has been nicknamed the “viral Rembrandt kids on phones photo”. The original photo is from November 2014 and it received mainstream media coverage from The Telegraph in the UK in January 2016. If you want a detailed summary of the photo, story and reaction the …

Why do I blog? Why did I stop?

I am taking a course in my spare time. It’s called Smart Learning (SmartLæring) run by Norwegian University NTNU and is run as a MOOC. It’s not the first MOOC I’ve taken but looks to be the first one I may have a chance of completing! Part of Module 5 of this course is either …

Snow days self-learning and online learning

Back in January when the UK shut down for a week because of snow schools leaders suddenly realised that VLEs and e-learning could be a solution to closed schools. Maybe the promise of virtual classrooms and 24 hour learning could actually keep school children learning when schools were closed. With this in mind, alongside the …

Teachmeet Moodle reflections

Thanks to all the organisers of Teachmeet Moodle. It was a well spent 5 hours or so! I have a few reflections, some on the great Moodling I saw, and some on the Teachmeet format. Moodle Reflections: There were some superb presentations on the day – many of which are linked to on the Teachmeet …

Teachmeet Moodle and Teachmeet Fishbowl

There’s a great run of Teachmeets on at the moment – where I am just North of London there have been about 4 or 5 within an hour’s drive of here in the last month. If you’ve not been to a Teachmeet try one out, they are great opportunities for learning, entertainment and networking and the …

Mentoring, Online lessons, virtual tours and computing in school – all in a days work!

Often good things come at once. Sometimes they come at the same time and you can’t make them all – but yesterday the all worked out fine and I had a busy but fantastic day that I had to share on my blog! On a normal day I’m in school all day, teaching classes, preparing …

What gets kids on a VLE and what difference does age make?

Download – What gets kids on a VLE and what difference does age make? (pdf 321kb) A year on from completing my MA in ICT and Education and I’ve got round to sharing my research study. I had grand ideas about trying to get it published but never got round to it. So here it …