Teachmeet Moodle reflections

Thanks to all the organisers of Teachmeet Moodle. It was a well spent 5 hours or so! I have a few reflections, some on the great Moodling I saw, and some on the Teachmeet format. Moodle Reflections: There were some superb presentations on the day – many of which are linked to on the Teachmeet …

Staff E-learning Newsletter – Issue 2

Below is our latest staff e-learning newsletter that was supposed to get sent out in the last week of term but got caught in the chaos of the snow! It’s been slightly edited for privacy reasons. ___________________________________________________________ Here’s what in this newsletter 1. Reminder of how to get on the VLE 2. It’s Google Time …

A few ways teachers and students use our VLE (Edtechroundup Teachmeet)

This is my presentation for Teachmeet Edtechroundup Edition #TMETRU09 For more information on Teachmeet visit www.teachmeet.org.uk for more info on Edtechroundup visit http://edtechroundup.wikispaces.com/ You can see info (and some recordings) of my previous Teachmeet contributions here Both are fantastic CPD communities and opportunities and it’s great to see the two concepts joined together for an …

Staff E-learning Newsletter

Last week I sent out this staff e-learning newsletter to try and keep staff informed and enthused about e-learning and our VLE. The response so far has been excellent, we’ve had three new teachers start using the VLE in a week. See the newsletter below, I’ve slightly amended it to remove some personal details but …

What gets kids on a VLE and what difference does age make?

Download – What gets kids on a VLE and what difference does age make? (pdf 321kb) A year on from completing my MA in ICT and Education and I’ve got round to sharing my research study. I had grand ideas about trying to get it published but never got round to it. So here it …

Why Scorm and multimedia learning resource development is best left to the professionals

Teachers are often critical of commercial resources available to them. Be they “old fashioned” textbooks, “new fangled” software packages or, even newer, resource packs for VLEs. This is sometimes because resources, such as books, are written to work generally with a large group of people but may not tailor to exactly what a teacher wants …

The end of a great data project using Google Docs and Moodle

Each year for the last 4 years I’ve taught surveys and databases to my year 7 class.We used to start off by creating a spreadsheet with columns for name, age, favourite food and send all the students wandering around the classrooms to collect details from their friends.Next we went on to make a survey on …

VLEs, costs, features and why I’ve fallen for Moodle

Although the market is more developed than when I started looking at and learning about VLEs about 3 years ago it’s still very confusing. In the UK there are approximately 10 Becta approved learning platforms (note that’s learning platforms rather than VLEs). There’s also probably another 10 or so out there that I’ve looked at …

VLEs, Cyberbullying and year 7 – part 2: The Good

Sorry there is no part 3: The ugly but do take a look at part one of this story here Welcome to part 2. In part one I described the frustrations of trying to build up a course on our VLE on e-safety. Here’s how my course ended up looking Before we got to the …

VLEs, Cyberbullying and year 7 – part 1: The Bad

Welcome to the first of a 2 part post – the good and the bad. What do you want first, the bad news or the good news? I’m going with the bad. This is the story of a lesson or series of lessons introducing our VLE to new year 7 pupils as well as starting …