Goodbye Year 11, Certificates and Facebook

Yesterday I had my last ICT lesson with my Year 11 GCSE ICT class. They leave school for study leave on Thursday.

We had a little party with cake, took a group photo and I printed them all certificates with a different award for each pupil. (A good bit of mail merge revision too!)

One girl took out her mobile to snap a photo of her certificate and uploaded and tagged it on facebook (via her mobile).

Did I…

(a) Marvel at how technology is used by teens and schlep nachas (take pride – yiddish) that my student had liked the certificate.

(b) Ask her to delete the photo and confiscate the phone.

(c) Phone her parents and warn them of the dangers of a 16 year old having unfiltered access to the internet on their phone.

Answers on a postcard…

ICT certificate

Published by D Needlestone


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