A few ways teachers and students use our VLE (Edtechroundup Teachmeet)

This is my presentation for Teachmeet Edtechroundup Edition #TMETRU09 For more information on Teachmeet visit www.teachmeet.org.uk for more info on Edtechroundup visit http://edtechroundup.wikispaces.com/ You can see info (and some recordings) of my previous Teachmeet contributions here Both are fantastic CPD communities and opportunities and it’s great to see the two concepts joined together for an …

VLEs, costs, features and why I’ve fallen for Moodle

Although the market is more developed than when I started looking at and learning about VLEs about 3 years ago it’s still very confusing. In the UK there are approximately 10 Becta approved learning platforms (note that’s learning platforms rather than VLEs). There’s also probably another 10 or so out there that I’ve looked at …