If those exact statistics arent available, similar ones should exist to give us an estimate. The Strange Mystery Behind Missing Persons In Colorado They spent the day skiing without incident, and at 2 PM they were getting ready to head back to the cabin, but Danny told them he would make go retrieve his phone from his car and then catch up with them. What makes it so tough is that I dont think you can determine when it was a failure, and when there was nothing to be found. missing 411 alabama cluster map - lathropres.org When other counselors were called and no one could find him, authorities were notified and so began a 9-day long intensive search involving nearly 400 police officers, volunteers, and airmen from Denvers Lowry Air Force Base, utilizing aircraft and tracker dogs, but absolutely no trace of Bizup was found. While the possibility of pure fear killing a person is medically speaking speculative at best, extreme fear can certainly cause a lethal heart attack in a person with a heart that is in a less than stellar condition. Biology, nature, and cryptozoology still remain Brent Swancers first intellectual loves. He would return home after a day away and then head straight out in order to check on stables and livestock around the ranch. At this point, I believe it is more about what direction I think should be taken in further analyzing the data. They rarely, as Paulides states, make the national news. The mysterious part is how the bodies got to where they were found. After a comprehensive and thorough search lasting nine days with over a hundred people, sniffer dogs, and helicopters, nothing more than the lens cap of her camera was ever found.
Well, apart from the stories of people who got lost suddenly in familiar territory, but only temporarily and with full memory of the event, which means that they didnt qualify as Missing 411 cases. Moreover, again ironically, there are many other both genetically and culturally much older groups. Peggy R. Mock read more Even when his daughter tragically died in an auto accident his failure to appear at her funeral convinced all that knew him that he was either dead or somewhere where he was simply not aware of her death. It would help if Keith had been able to explain what had happened, but he was either unwilling or unable to elaborate, and his strange disappearance and reappearance remains an enigma. David Paulides, an investigator who spent 20 years of his life as a police officer, has uncovered a number of puzzling trends. Paulides has dedicated nearly a decade of his life to the research of 411 cases and has written a series of books on the subject. Or any or all of that. There should be different amounts of people walking through the forests at different times of day, possibly doing different things in the forest at different times of day. The cookie is used to store the user consent for the cookies in the category "Other. As a retired law enforcement officer, Paulides takes interest in the way government agencies document Missing 411 cases. However, stories of Missing 411 victims do not take place only in rural areas. When theres a pattern in the type of victims that go missing, police typically believe its the work of a serial killer. On this count, I would very much like Dave to publish exact tables showing how significant (meaning frequent) each of the correlating factors is in the Missing 411 sample of cases, ideally in comparison to tables of what is normal for a representative sample of normal missing persons cases. Even if the perpetrators arent exactly advanced, protected primeval forests are the most logical place where to look for any surviving intelligent forest-dwelling creatures. 2009-2021 Historic Mysteries. Its also unusual for such high percentage of adults to remember what happened, but then not report it, to not even make anything up, which would be the only normal alternative explanation. More recently is the 2015 vanishing of 2-year-old DeOrr Kunz Jr., who in July of that year was on a camping trip with his father DeOrr Sr., his fathers girlfriend, her grandfather, and their friend Isaac Reinwand, in the same region as where Bizup had vanished, out on the edge of the Rocky Mountain National Park. Delaware County Election Results 2020, I noticed on the map they showed that my state, Alabama, had a cluster seemingly near me, but Im not sure how to find out exactly where that cluster is. Something that could be invisible and undetectable without very specific instruments, but nevertheless entirely normal and real. Daves criteria for the sample selection seem completely reasonable to me a case being unexplained is an objective fact. Bizarrely, he had taken his jacket off despite the intense cold, and his clothes were ripped, although there was no sign of physical injury. No one really knows, and Dr. Maurice Dametz remains missing without a trace. Missing 411 - Idaho with Cluster Map (New) David Paulides (Sealed) $89.95. The exotic options would all be variations on the person entering some sort of portal or spacetime warp or legitimately teleporting. Good luck out there! Given that some cases indicate third-party involvement (like the inside-out clothing, children unable to undress themselves, or clean socks while traveling miles), the latter option, however unlikely and disconcerting, must be considered. In the instance of Stacey Arras case, David Paulides also encountered another perplexing obstacle. For this reason, the inability of trackers to track the person should only be considered significant when other, positive evidence is present, like when the body shows up later in a previously searched area, or when the trackers actually do find something thats harder to find than the person, like their matchbox, but not any of the much larger objects the person was carrying. Dave also likes to cite one case in which the police officers noticed that the subject who lost his shoes had clean socks, after apparently traveling on his own for several miles through a muddy area. There are cases where a wolf man-type being was described as the one who kidnapped the target, they could be easily able to control dogs and likely to respect them more than humans, and if the shapeshifting into dogs is on the table, they could get around any human settlements, including urban areas, undetected. If theres an intelligent perpetrator behind any Missing 411 disappearances, they are likely to know when to lie in wait for people at the times and dates when theres the most opportunity. Taken together, it is safe to assume that the men in question have something going on with their appearance, like advanced camouflage or perception-altering ability. Also, in case you make a mistake and blow your cover, humans will be far less likely to torch a natural treasure to get you. This is a suspiciously good record. The whole idea of the movie The Prestige about rival illusionists is that the most impossible magic trick is teleportation. Missing 411-North America and Beyond: Stories of people . If I sum it all up: This about covers what I would like to say about this subject at this moment in time. Or at least not in any way in which we understand this type of attack to work. If some sort of targeted infrasound, microwave, or EM-based device is used, I bet you can make someone feel unwell at a distance, or make them hallucinate, or start behaving irrationally. Four Missing 411 Cluster Maps $46.95 Missing 411 Idaho Missing Person Cluster Map $16.99 Best Selling 11 Book Set $279.99 Montana Missing Person Cluster Map $16.99 U.S., Montana & British Columbia Missing Person Cluster Maps $34.99 CanAm Missing Project Patch $3.99 CanAm Missing Project Sticker $3.50 With all that said, it would be interesting to take all of the people with the German origin within the Missing 411 sample and check whether their ancestors come from all over Germany, or if they all come from a specific region or regions inside of Germany (or Austria or Switzerland). When they found him he was all the way across the country in Sacramento, California, thousands of miles away from where he had last been seen, oddly still dressed in his full skiing gear and with a haircut and a new iPhone. This means that nothing should be taken at face value and that it may be necessary to keep our cards close to the chest not advertising our best leads or next moves, while trying to set up traps for the adversary. Although there are both national and even international examples of far older cases, David Paulides efforts to synthesize records apply to recent history. Below is a link to see all the images I used, as well as a 50% opacity overlay of the cluster map to try to align it with the thru tail map beneath it. It remains a mystery. In the Dennis Martin case, the Martin family went on a hike into a forest, and in the forest, they met another Martin family. On this day everything was going smoothly, and they had spent hours digging at different spots. Which sometimes happens in the Missing 411 cases, without any good reason. Politicalization of Missing 411 Cases / Cluster Map In searching for a list missing 411 criteria, I found this article posted on a political website: https://www.saintpaulrepublicans.us/2021/07/05/combatting-mns-missing-411-areas/ The article is fairly recent (July 2021). Donnie M. Williams read more, Franklin County When Paulides runs into a Pavlides when on one of these cases, a thing that has never happened to him before or since and which doesnt have to happen over an entire lifetime at all, that counts as a bit odd. Like the Missing 411 cases. There are no stretches of known science required for someone to be able to create an underground or underwater base. What happened to Bobby Bizup? Disappearances have happened for centuries. And yes, I also rewatched Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency, obviously. How do you infuse high amounts of drugs into a body quickly and stealthily (or extract all of the blood, for that matter)? Finally, if you think about it, its important to understand that human clothing can be confusing to a highly intelligent, highly scientifically advanced species who has studied us for ages. Heck, theres even a consensus in the cryptid community, as far as I can tell, that while bigfoot-type cryptids find themselves ethically speaking on the same range as humans (including benevolence), dogmen and skinwalkers are almost always strictly malevolent, or at least much more aggressive and dangerous. qacct:"p-8fGhaPzwR8aSs"
The only thing you need to make sure of is that the sample of your observations is representative. No, the evidence is the only thing that matters. It may even be an intelligence-type operation, specifically, which means that there could be an effort to avoid statistical detection or to obscure the true motivation by introducing false leads and using all kinds of misdirection, if not outright destruction of evidence, intimidation, or assassination. I guess I should look into places in the Czech Republic with our version of this, involving the word ert in the name. It is certainly an apt metaphor for the state of these individuals who have vanished. Historic Mysteries provides captivating articles on archaeology, history, and unexplained mysteries. **This map is covered by our copyright and cannot be replicated, placed online or in anyway copied. A similar Missing 411 case with a rather more sinister ending is one that happened decades before, and is perhaps not as well known. and our What is mud rain? Remember that this is a discussion sub for David Paulides's phenomenon, Missing 411. Interestingly, UFO sightings often correlate with these hotspots, sometimes even around the same time that someone has gone missing. How often you run into people with the same first name or surname as you is a function of how rare it is. Although Paulides work has been scrutinized and some critics say that the number of unsolved cases is not statistically significant, Paulides has contributed immeasurably to the categorization of the issue and the growth of it in the public consciousness. But if theyre after exceptional (and therefore potentially valuable) targets, they cant hide that, or even necessarily be able to do without specific targets, however unlikely those target people are to get lost or succumb to the elements. The Upper MI Cluster of missing people that include the - YouTube There definitely seems to be a correlation. In either of these scenarios, the result will look the same. Crime maps The U.S. States With The Most Reported Missing Persons, Mapped Alex 0 Comments United States The vanishing and death of Gabrielle Venora Petito have wholly taken the attention of America. Open for submissions from anyone with something to say about where were headed or the nature of time or history. Does any of that mean that you should dismiss the evidence that hes bringing forward? This higher vantage point is usually associated with Bigfoot habitats. That would be bad enough if done systematically by some sort of human agency, but the inside-out clothing indicates that it really might not involve humans, or at least not exactly us, modern-day humans (insert your favorite sci-fi modifier here). Additional references:Paulides, David. The latter possibility would imply that even if there werent significantly many of them within the sample in comparison to all people or all park visitors, there may be a specific, several centuries-old genetic reason or personal grudge involved. Although many of these Missing 411 cases demonstrate strange instances, the link to any mountain monsters is mere folk devil hearsay. When picking mushrooms or berries, a group of people typically stays within hearing range, which means that all you need to do to not get lost is being able to shout (or shoot, I guess). As for any data points or theories that may shed some light on why the clothing tends to be missing, the only explanations provided by the survivors of something like a Missing 411 incident are either that they removed it themselves (without understanding why and later regretting it), or the story of one little girl that a dog/wolf man ate some articles of her clothing. Nature can be a cruel mistress. Unexplained Disappearances. The lack of visible damage to the bodies would in this context indicate either that the exam or procedure was neurological in nature (like an MRI scan), interrogative (interviewing the subject), or otherwise non-invasive (like a DNA swab). If a person disappeared from a place like a pub, then the perpetrators were either lying in wait on the location, possibly cooperating with whoever is operating the establishment, or they were again following the target person beforehand and waited for him to go to a social event. Especially if its only about taking advantage of naturally forming bad weather, as that would then maintain its normal, statistically insignificant rate of incidence. Ao clicar no boto Aceitar ou continuar a visualizar nosso site, voc concorda com o uso de cookies em nosso site. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Queen's Ghost, Small Lake Monster, Space Caterpillar and More Mysterious News Briefly, A Haunted Book and the Most Haunted Bookshop There Is. The fact that phones today double as GPS locators and that they can record both audio and video and be connected to the internet at all times makes urban disappearances of people with phones suspicious. The fact that they were never identified or caught is also the first indication of their organization. A former California lawman has analyzed thousands of missing persons cases and has identified specific clusters where an inordinate number of people vanish under mysterious circumstances. I have never heard of a single case in the history of my country of anyone going missing mysteriously while picking mushrooms. Im a backpacker who spends a lot of time in the woods, so this definitely caught my attention. Ive been trying to find the best data that doesnt fit with the dominant paradigm of what is or isnt supposed to be physically possible. However, he provided no explanation for what was, by all accounts, a perfectly normal request. Specifically, when, where, or how they died. This man has never been identified, but analysis of the body was never able to determine the cause of death. If you have any theories or suggestions yourselves, Im all ears. The reason why to wait for that could be that it is much less suspicious for a person to disappear while out drinking at night in the city than if they just left their house for no reason in the middle of the night. However, they may not follow that perfectly. Anything that makes you more visible from a longer distance by default makes you an easier target for any kind of predator, animal, human, or otherwise. The grandfather told them that he had simply been there one second and gone the next, and a search of the area turned up no sign of him, nor did an extensive official search of the area. Charles R. Wood read more. Ginebra Vs Alaska August 8 2021, While sudden arrhythmia can account for some of the Missing 411 cases, there are just too many. Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with relevant ads and marketing campaigns. Usually, the tragic stories are about mushroom poisoning. In the Missing 411 cases, I believe that the percentage of how many causes of death are reported as unknown is far higher than 5%, while even many of the deaths that were reported as death by exposure or drowning seem to be questionable. Granted, Elisa Lam is a rare name, so its a case of a rare name of a test that is the same as a human name, which was the same as a rare name of a person who died unusually, while the test was being used at the time and place where they died. The Mishandling of the Missing 411 Phenomenon - ResearchGate The map covers all 50 states and southern Canada. When all you understand couldnt have happened, it points to none of that. North Charleston, SC: CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, 2016.Canam Missing ProjectRedditYowie Hunters. Otherwise, literally only the Nazis would care about this. Coincidence is how gods can circumvent rules. Its not a reason to start hating a person and dismiss everything they have to say about everything else, its a reason to start talking to them. Unfortunately, there is no centralized database for missing people, and many parks do not even document disappearances specifically in their own parks. Subsequently, with his methodical compilation of data, he identifies trends. Whether there is a reason for this and if it is of any importance is open to debate. And even if the name is just related to the remoteness, more remote and hard-to-get areas would mean the most difficult search environments. Making an error on the part of Missing 411 perpetrators means that people wont go missing, that there will be evidence that will be interpreted as human crime (because what else would be a serious suspicion of the police in any scenario), or the person will see and report things that will make him or her sound mentally ill, and perhaps even diagnosed. Bigfoot and other cryptids from Appalachian mythology have come into the equation a number of times. When you have such data, a lot of it, about a state of an object, and it doesnt make any sense how it got there from its last known state, what youve got is a proper anomaly. https://imgur.com/a/1st0yWp, Scan this QR code to download the app now. . Needless to say, I didn't go anywhere near it. Some of the cases that meet the profile criteria do hint at abduction by neither an animal, nor a human, but others do not. You could be on to something! Anyone know how to find out more about my nearest cluster? In the Daves profile, whoever the perpetrators are seem to be perfect, but no one is 100% effective. Ultimately, only an answer could quell the publics curiosity and give the relatives and friends of the victims the closure they so surely deserve. Every time I pass that trailhead now, I stop, roll down my windows, and just listen for a few minutes before continuing on to the reservoir. Chen Qiushi was born in September 1985 in Daxing'anling Prefecture, Heilongjiang, China, and studied law at Heilongjiang University, graduating in 2007. Ohio Pipefitters Union Wages, Fringe theorists have also viewed the institutional apathy with suspicion. The area was surrounded by forest, but Keith was allowed to play out in the yard, and on this day that is where he was, his grandfather constantly checking up on him. And why is it on my car? Lana Faulk Quesenberry read more, Marshall County Maybe if in all of the cases, the phone lost charge too quickly, it would be less strange, but thats only the case sometimes. This protocol has its drawbacks because the nature of disappearances in the wilderness tend to be quite different than those of urban centers, where cars and other forms of transportation mean that an abductee can be hundreds of miles away within a few hours. Privacy Policy. Because of this predictable universal connection, this profile point by itself doesnt necessarily mean anything strange on its own. Given that the smallest useful sample is about 100 people, it would have to be for a whole U.S. state at least, or for all national parks in a country, since the largest cluster in the Yosemite is currently in the 50s, I believe. It was not thought that he had been kidnapped because there was only one narrow dirt road leading into the campground, and it seems like an animal attack would have been noticed by the grandfather and left behind some sort of evidence. Or at least not any more mysteriously than provably falling off a cliff, and thats the only case I could find. I know I said I wont to go into detail on individual cases, but it would be difficult to comment on the coincidences that Paulides points out without pointing them out. Many of these odd vanishing have happened in wilderness areas or National Parks, and a common theme amongst them is the fact that many of these victims go missing within minutes, often right under the noses of those they are with, as if thy have just been erased from existence. It would be easier to do in a city setting, where there are at least roads all over the place, but in that case, I would expect someone at some point seeing some of the kidnappings. Due to newspaper reports of the time, we know that the parents of Eddie Hamilton identified the body as their son. David Paulides - Wikipedia There was also the fact that the area was not easily reached, and no one could figure out how the missing boy could have possiby gotten there or even why he would have wanted to head up the mountain to begin with, considering most people who are lost instinctively head towards lower ground. We have even looked previously at the case of mass disappearances throughout history. While phenomena of this type are not strictly speaking ruled out by theoretical physicists, they would at the very least expect them to be substantially more rare, if they were to occur strictly naturally. A home for weird ideas, future visions, and mad ramblings. A quick google search wasnt helpful. Not wholly impossible, but an extreme leap nonetheless. So far, as far as I know, Dave made the clusters map and the table of how far away small children were found. Cookie Notice However, the understanding that there is such a connection between naming conventions and occurrence of a particular type of disappearance could be used as a lead to determine which places to investigate, either with priority, more thoroughly, or further back into the past. Randall H. Whitfield read more, Morgan County Best format would be an . Oh and sorry about all this, if youve ever intended to go into a forest again. Maybe its not used on or as effective for children, either because it would certainly kill them, or because their brains arent fully developed yet. And it is what profiling is, in a way youre looking for cases that include selected elements. Im not a physicist, chemist, or an engineer, so I cant begin to speculate about any special properties of water or granite, though electrical ones certainly dont seem to be off the table. This leaves a sudden medical emergency, or an animal or human attack, that either quickly render you unconscious, or force you to be quiet. Its too bad that the history of these names isnt particularly well documented in the Americas, but using common sense, one would use such names for places where bad things happen, where people die or go missing, where they feel bad, or at least for remote, haunting areas.
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