The work is part of the Time Travel genre because the work centers around Jon Snow being sent back in time due to Melisandre's rituals and spells. Viserys is still marrying Daenerys to Khal Drogo. In close quarters. Jon's lived hundreds of lives. Landing somewhere between Robb Returns and The Raven's Plan , "There and Back Again" is a Game of Thrones Peggy Sue fanfic where Jon Snow is sent back in time to fix his mistakes and become King. Winter is coming and the dead with it, but King Robert Baratheon is making his way North after the death of Jon Arryn. Unhurriedly, she propped Longclaw against the table then washed the dirt and blood from the dead mans chest. Where are they now? Feel free to send me any asks or requests. T Allyse Baratheon is the eldest daughter to Cersei Lannister and Robert Baratheon. Gilly's mother was not identified in the books or show. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. A time for wolves will come again. Its Ned, hes been attacked-, Listen, Im not Ned, he tried calling over, but she wasnt listening. Everyone wants her, especially Prince Joffrey. I don't own the script for game of thrones obviously What if Robb stark had a twin brother, what if this brother had a near death experience, what if in his final hours the Old Gods save him. Privacy Policy. The letters are sweet and sad and its good to see my darling Starks reaching out to each other after everything theyve been through. Unable to make out what was said, it contrasted sharply with the shock of the freezing cold that suddenly engulfed his whole body. He must only fall to his knees before her, and then hell be no different from the slaves and beggars she had seen in Kings Landing. Daenerys considers the person she was when she married Khal Drogo as having died with her husband in the previous timeline. Rhaenyra died. There was bound to be a charitable Septon who would take pity on him, even a Maester if he was really lucky. Feeding it into the hungry jaws of a god, named yet unknown. No, it cannot be.. Welcome to my book/personal/multifandom blog that has recently become a landscape filled with my latest obsession, Jonsa. Davos was puzzled. Summary:Jon and Arya return to Winterfell proceeding the sack of Kings Landing to help rebuild their childhood home and a fallen Westeros. Some amazing writers took their love of the series and created their very own fanfiction. lol), Rating: Mature Word Count: 55,758 Canon Compliant through: 7x07. The work is part of the Time Travel genre because the work centers around Jon Snow being sent back in time due to Melisandres rituals and spells. Grace invents time travel in order to go back and save Christopher. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. The work is part of the Time Travel genre because the work More A Stitch in Time by Will 0the Wisp, Valar Botis (All Men Must Endure) by the user sanva is a novel length work of fanfiction posted onto Archive of Our Own on October 31, 2016, Valar Botis is an ongoing work that explores what would happen if Jon Snow was stuck in a Groundhog Day style loop. The plot is amazing and the characters have been written so beautifully. Genna suggests that Viserys Targaryen would try to arrange an alliance with House Martell by betrothing Daenerys to Trystane, due to the Martells' hatred of the Baratheons and Lannisters. As some final, empty show of respect, he placed Longclaw back at Jons side, closing his cold stiff hand over the hilt and headed for the door himself. It's not every night on Coruscant that a clueless Mandalorian and a baby Yoda from 30 years in the future crash in a Senator's hangar. :) thank you .. also can some one help me with tagging ? The fic is very well-written so enjoy if you check this one out! Just wait until the Darksaber gets involved. i have no experience whatsoever in writing before ,so if i make any mistakes, please let me know in the comments and help me out basically. Jon heals in the True North, finding his own worth again, and discovering that even after being lost, he can find purpose in his own heart and mind again, even burdened by the crippling guilt and resentment which will take him many years to learn how to carry and let go. For the watch the refrain of every mutineer rang in his head once more. Gods, Lyanna, I know we dont see much of Ned since he came to the Eyrie, but really? Robert needs children right now and Sansa hasn't flowered yet; childbirth could likely be very dangerous. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mother's forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. Warm and soft as a mothers embrace was what it felt like. And this time, put a hand on the scale to ensure this doesn't happen again. He looked back in the direction from which they approached, holding his breath as a young woman rounded a bend. Her movements were perfunctory now, as if even she didnt think this was going to work. Only then will he find his way back home in time to defeat the Great Other and win back all the Starks lost. Jon Arryn points out his own problems with his marriage to Lysa, which was also an example of this trope. Small crossover with the character, Dr. Gwyn Davies, from Dc's Legends of Tomorrow whose work helps Grace invent time travel. Summary: A raven flies North.The King of Westeros has need of a Stark once more. This is my attempt to answer all the questions I was left with at the end of the season as mostwerenever addressed. I adore the way my favorite characters get a chance to confront their family members on the ways that theyve been hurt by them. The men lining the shadows shifted as the tension grew. He looks for some parchment and a quill, and when he finds everything he needs, he takes a deep sigh and prays that his words do not fail him. For quite some time. I also truly enjoyed the political conclusion of this fic. Only when he was thoroughly clean did she begin her incantations. When he settled himself again, the warmth returned. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. But I love this one in particular because Jon and Sansa are so soft with each other and it just melts me every time! Oh my gosh, this fic! He has saved Mav, and that bastard will be able to find a way home by stealing a jet or something like that. Ned? she gasped. A Stitch in Time by the user Will 0the Wisp is a complete novel length work within the A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones fandom. Summary:Sansa and Jon sleeping together before he goes to Dragonstone and when he comes back he finds out she is pregnant. This lads life is in danger!. A mournful wail that made his skin prickle with apprehension. The work was published on August 19, 2016, and completed on August 7, 2017. It's called Valar Botis. Fixing it in place with his sword belt, he began cautiously treading around the loose rocks again, heading downhill. As she opened the door, a cold gust of snowy wind blew inside, carrying with it the distant sound of a howling wolf. Sansa notes the irony of naming a big dragon after. He asked, voice trembling as he ran steady fingers through Hermione's hair. Ones that seem to almost warn him of events to come. Staring into the mirror with the reflection of one of his students with big doe eyes and long blonde hair, the mirror stares back and he cannot say if he's prepaired to do the same. It was a memory that dropped back into his conscious mind like a stone down a dry well. <3, Rating: Teen Current Word Count: 80,865. "Don't do this, Tom. He proceeds to have what he thinks is a premonition and rushes to the Kabasaki district. In Chapter 28, Daenerys learns of the various changes in Westeros from the upcoming war with the Lannisters to the Starks looking for funds for the Wall, realizing that at least one other person is aware of the events of the old timeline. "Come to bed Jon," She said then, her voice sultry smooth, like silk. Notes: Grace changes her and Christopher's fate, so it's a change from canon. But at least, after all these years, the pack is finally back together. For my new readers I hope you enjoy the story, thank you for reading! Tywin and Genna believe that Viserys Targaryen would try to take advantage of a war by betrothing Daenerys to Trystane Martell and build up an army to invade. Landing somewhere between Robb Returns and The Raven's Plan , "There and Back Again" is a Game of Thrones Peggy Sue fanfic where Jon Snow is sent back in time to fix his mistakes and become King. Jon returned a small one back as he looked towards Edmure. Tywin very rarely paces, considering the practice a waste of movement. Its been absolutely heartbreaking to watch her deal with some of the situations handed to her, but she does it with such love, grace, and political acumen that I cant get enough of it. Is this why you brought me here? Robert Baratheon gets wind of Joffrey's parentage and realizes that he has no successor. How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros? For-forgive me, my lord, but what did you say your names were?, The man jolted as he studied the wounds. As the burning in his eyes subsided, he rolled over onto his side and breathed in the rich scent of earth and grass. Valar Botis (All Men Must Endure) by sanva, Follow A Song of Ice and Fire on Seriously, I pulled an all-nighter when I found this fic because as soon as I started reading it I couldnt put it down! Thats all the confirmation she needs, but Jon rushes onward, stepping closer to her, hands outstretched and voice nervous, reassuring, as if he were a husband swearing to his wife that he loves only her. But the question is, what can she do? By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. All were fed to the flames, filling the air with an acrid stench. I love every second of this incredible fic, even when it hurts how in love both Jon and Sansa are with each other when neither believes the other could love them back. According to Blackfish Tully, his brother Hoster has always been one of these, as shown when he married his two daughters to Lords Paramount in Robert's Rebellion. Follow as they fight for another chance to climb to the top again. Just lie still until help arrives. Small mentions only of other ships. Enjoy these fics and be sure to give these authors all some love cause they deserve so much of it! Powered by Tumblr. Eldon Estermont notes that the charming and jolly Renly looks more troubled and weary due to the stresses of recent events. Ser Davos dared to step closer, to see if there was any change any viable sign of life from the Lord Commander. Believing that Robert would kill him for failing to find Littlefinger's financial books and possibly withholding information about Cersei and Jaime's incest, Varys flees to White Harbor with Barristan Selmy, Myrcella and Tommen Baratheon, and Tyrion Lannister, Ned will not be joining the rest of the kingdoms against the Lannisters and is declining Robert's suit for Sansa's hand, he picks up his chair and. Slowly, almost lovingly, she cleansed Jons body. Will you take it slow and plan out every move, or will you run away and cower in a hole forevermore? Anger and disappointment vied against each other among Davos feelings. His own mind could not take in the enormity of what seemed to be happening to him. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. Im not an educated man, my lady, but hes definitely breathing. Now the others had caught them up and two more young men came cantering around the bend in the mountain road. Trapped in the past (rewrite) Fanfiction After Melisandre tries to bring Jon Snow back to life, she succeed, but he doesn't wake up, she somehow sent his mind six years into the past, where it was the beginning of the downfall of house Stark, while Jon wakes up and remembers everything, Sa. and our Check out more of my Jonsa fic rec lists here! Then, one day, Sansa disappears. Small wonder you risked your neck to save this blade, she said. Or, Rooster goes back to 1986, saves his parents, helps two idiots get together, and realizes his feeling for another idiot. As the wolves and the dragons prepare for another battle, the realm can only hold its breath and wonder who will win the Game of Thrones after this. Immediately, their gaze locked into each others and she gaped openly at him., Hello everyone, i found jon snow time travel fics are either rare or not well written, hence i decided to write one my self. Bran, you fool! Lyanna cursed, running back to Jons side. Barely a few steps down the way and his feet were beginning to bleed. It was his face that caught Ser Davos eye. Had they known I was still alive when they dumped my body in this place? Cersei and Joffrey escape when both he and Renly are shouted at by Robert. I d Willa Frey's beauty has been heard of throughout all the Seven Kingdoms. Ned reveals Jon's parentage to Catelyn in Chapter 24. This tag belongs to the Unsorted Tag Category. I thought you were with the others?. Assuming Ned was her companion, Jon tried calling out to her. This far in, he had neither seen nor heard another living soul. Jay Merrick is a Godless man but oh does he pray when weird things start happening to him and his friends. The question is whether or not she'll have the means to take revenge. He struggles with his knowledge of the upcoming wars, the mystery of his mother's forgotten letters, and the prophecy of the Prince That Was Promised. The lie came easily and she even went to retrieve Longclaw for him. And fate takes a new path. -oneshot and drabble collection After the scarred man saved you. Robert orders Renly and Eldon to find Cersei and Joffrey, the tone implies that there will be severe punishment should they fail to capture them. In the process, all of Christopher's friends and family contribute to the mission. He was tall and rugged looking and, to his near giddy relief, they both had the sigil of House Stark embroidered into their outer garments. Slowly, his breathing evened out and he appeared to be in a deep sleep. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. The various Gods, from the Seven, the Old Gods, and the Lord of Light are teaming up by sending various characters back into the past to undo Bloodraven's damage. What's a God to a Non-believer? They stabbed me, he remembered. The story begins four months after the series finale. Never mind that, Ned. But there was no one there. The eldest of Craster's daughter-wives was named Morag in the show, but her name is changed to Daella here. With literally nothing else to lose but his life, he positioned himself in the middle of the tracks. As such, Jon and his allies have a new game plan to remake the realm, challenge the old status quos, and get the prophecy right this time with some twists. Thats quite some mistake to make there, he grinned as he spoke to the girl, but he was looking at Jon. Summary:When the Winterfellians learn that Cersei has hired men to kidnap Sansa, they decide that Sansa needs to run away and Jon volunteers to protect her. In 1984, Steve Harrington wakes up in the hospital after a car crash he can't remember. But she didnt let her fear or shock overawe her for long. The positionand his own resentments have slowly been eating away at his soul and Im so excited to see where the fic goes next with his character. She glanced up again and gave him a wave as he turned to get her back in his line of vision. Littlefinger, outside of his need to sow chaos. Post season 7 fic. Daenerys. With relationships and reputations What if you owned an animal species that mimicked your soul, a "spirit animal" in reality? My brother is nearby and we will have these men caught and punished. Well find you some clothes that fit and you can come with us. "You have taken something that you could not even attempt to wrap your head around. Click here to read the rest of A Stitch in Time. Gods, Ned what happened? At the sight of him, she yanked on the reins of the horse in alarm. Does that sound familiar? Sansa finds herself back in Winterfell, separated from her family by distance, duty and yet another secret, raising another bastard child as she rebuilds herself, the castle and the North. She loves her family fiercely, despite the things they put people through. A minute ago, he was walking down the streets of So Paulo. In winter, I plot and plan. Originally posted on the website on July 16, 2015, Robb Returns is an ongoing work updated regularly. He feels calm. We found some of the best Jon Snow fanfiction that internet has to offer. Rating: Mature Word Count: 44,583 Canon Compliant through: 7x07. She would do her duty to her king and country. He thought to himself. Minimal Theme designed by Artur Kim. Jon names the three dragons he hatches (originally Daenerys' dragons in canon) Algernon, Erendil, and Illyrion. I am Brandon of House Stark and this here is my sister, Lady Lyanna.. He nodded to the young maid who was behind Jon now, studying Longclaw where it had been thrown into the bushes. Groaning, he tried to call out but his limbs were so stiff and sore that all he could do was roll over. This is expanded to the rest of the Northern lords in Chapters 30 and 31. Just then, a sharp loud gasp sounded as he reached the threshold. (Seriously, any good therapist will recommend this as a cleanse for your soul! Summary: It was a common saying in the North, in the endless stretch of years following the Long Night, and the after. Death. Davos thought, irritably. Oh my, youre not Ned at all, are you? Then her eyes raked over his battered and wounded chest, horror returning to her features in a heartbeat. It worked., He should be awake, she pointed out. Date wakes up on November 1st, 2019. Stannis meanwhile will take the Crownlanders and the Royal Fleet to blockade/capture Lannisport. Jon Arryn survives after 298 AC after Littlefinger is arrested in 293 AC; Littlefinger manages to escape but is in no position to orchestrate his death. What would happen if all of them found themself in the old gym of Karasuno, if they got another chance for going to the top? Had he not also felt like hed drank a winesink dry the night before, he might have enjoyed the sensation more. All I remember is throwing my sword into those bushes so they wouldnt be able to steal it.. Bran! Instead, he offers an explanation. Really everyone brought back by the Lord of Light has this problem, but Jon had it worse than most because Bloodraven tampered with his. Thanks to having much of his assets seized. for every single episode of Season 8. She soothed her mount before jumping from the saddle. +an alternate season 7 & season 8. She shoved past Davos and almost fell on the Lord Commander, smoothing his brow as she studied his face intently. He couldn't move, couldn't speak. Fair warning that the slow burn is ssslllooowww (thimbleful is literally the queen of the slow burn) and every painful second of it is amazing! Dany had been reborn in the Red waste along with her dragons, and again she had been reborn in this life, with all her memories to give her even more advantage over her enemies and she would not be cowed into being the simpering little girl she had been. Urgently, he added: Now! Time Travel Fix-It Lucius's bright platinum hair showed around the corner, his face unamused. In exile after killing Daenerys for her burning of King's Landing, Jon Targaryen receives an unexpected visit during his time up north. Oh, sorry friend. In swirling darkness and bloody shadows they had done the dirty work, sacrificing a whole world, no, universe- no, timeline would be the most accurate. Hes back! he called out to the others whod already retreated. For more information, please see our Mel's attempts to bring Jon back go slightly awry, catapulting him back to a time before he was even born. Get off the mountain, go to the nearest town and get help a plan began to formulate. Jon rises from his seat and folds the letter, holding it tight in his hand, and strides towards the exit doors of the common hall. Ten years is a long time, but they say time heals all wounds. Lady Bolton. Now that Eren activated the rumble and became one with Ymir causing him to activate the full power of the Founding Titan regardless of whether he did not belong to the royal family lineage, what to do now? Thanks! Only the arrival of Lady Melisandre induced him to tear his gaze away from the horror before him. During their travels the tension builds between themespecially after Jon suffers an injury and theyre taken in by an older couple. To talk about memories?. Jon Snow Timetravel fics. Naked, but for the flimsy cloth preserving his modesty, and caked in his own blood and dirt. Cursing, he sat back down again and tried to work out where he was. Gotten some life experience.All that fun and handy life experience is telling him that being disintegrated by a massive laser is fatalAnd yet. If Homura can keep everyone alive, she might just win this time. Work Search: All characters are from G.R.R.M's Game of Thrones. Sansa goes south to save him. How much time does he have until the Others invade Westeros? Just another post-S7 fic. Your life is far more important than mine could ever be., She met his eyes defiantly, a fury contained in them that ignited his bones. Rating: Not Rated Current Word Count: 12,991 Canon Compliant (mostly) through: 8x05. This fic is amazing. A full on s8 fix-it fic at this point. he fails to keep a hold on the Kingsguard's loyalties. Jacaerys Velaryon's dragon left three eggs at Winterfell when he came to raise support for his mother Rhaenyra Targaryen when the Dance of the Dragons commenced. Ive watched too many members of my family die for me to surrender you to the flames, not when I might be able to save your life with mine! The plot isincredible the characterizations are great, the endings of the villains work perfectly in the story, all the Starks are so smart and actually use the abilities theyve spent seasons gaining, and the ending is perfect! After the events of Doomstar Requiem, Magnus somehow finds himself reliving his past. Post s8 (partially) epistolary fic in which Sansa and Jon begin exchanging letters to find comfort, solace and, eventually, forgiveness. Look Bran, its Valyrian steel!. I adore this fic so much! Jon could feel his breathing grow ragged as realisation finally began sinking in, but he could not fathom it. Edds voice sounded so distant, so far away like he was calling to him from the opposite end of a long tunnel. This ending actually aligns with the Discovered Family Tree (Esme Hardcastle edition). Then, it came to him in a flash and gave chase to his gathering despair. Follow Allys Nearly a decade before the Game of Thrones, Rose Tyrell engaged an affair that sent ripples through the richest families of Westeros. Daenerys is even more bloodthirsty and vengeful after having her memories from the show restored. The work was published on August 19, 2016, and completed on August 7, 2017. Summary:"Forgive me, he tells her, his voice is almost inaudible but there is no mistaking the pleading in his tone. Jon is such an angry version of himself, but it works so well in this fic where he has been forced to rule a country he never even wanted to reside in. He could just say he was attacked by brigands to explain his injuries. She is sweet and kind but fierce. The confidence the lady had gathered throughout the duration of the ritual melted away as she looked down at the still dead man, hopeless and empty. - Sansa is such an amazing queen and it is lovely to see her conducting herself with such grace and dignity no matter what is thrown at her. As Jon Snow lays dying on the ground at Castle Black, he witnesses another Red Comet before he fades from the world. She had died in the Red Waste along with Khal Drogo, and in her place was now Daenerys Stormborn of house Targaryen, the rightful Queen of the Seven Kingdoms. How does Sansa, as Cersei, change the realm for better or for worse politically and personally as Queen? The only item of value he had was Longclaw, so he tossed it into a nearby thicket of bushes to hide it. Will you go searching for your family, or find your friends? Whether he likes it or not, this is a loop that ending.______________. Are you all right? Littlefinger did indeed reveal the incestuous relationship between Cersei and Jaime, but not his motivations. Im looking forward to more updates for this fic whenever theyre posted. Tags: actually jonsa jonsa fic jonsa fics jonsa fanfiction recs jonsa fic recs my jonsa fic recs man I love these fics so incredibly much Imight just have to do a reread of several of these because they're so gooood for the ones that are still works in progress I get super excited whenever I see an e-mail update forany of them <3 enjoy everyone!!! Pregnant Sansa is sobrave and amazing. So when he starts pacing while reading Robert's declaration of war on the Lannisters, Kevan knows something is up. As for the twins that were given to Lord Eddard Stark, warden of the North, are Zyta Baratheon is the only child of Robert Baratheon and Cersei Lannister. After a few moments, as he didn't move, her brow wrinkled before she spoke again. She pressed down on his heart, voiced her final incantation and pressed her hands down. It's actually all just one elaborate history lesson. A minute ago, it was sunday. Every day. They stabbed me; tried to kill me. Discussed. Please consider turning it on! Leo's been alive for 40 long, long years, so he would've hoped by now he'd've learned something. It felt like he was the last person alive in the whole country. The pack survives, whispered the North. Unfortunately for her, there's no dragon eggs this time and no way for her to build an army to return to Westeros. Rating: Not Rated Current Word Count: 12,053 Canon Compliant through: 8x06, Summary:Sansa drops the quill onto the wooden table carved with the leaves of the heart-tree and leans back in her chair, letting out a loud, exasperated sigh. Instead, he sent to squire for a famous knight, beginning a long arduous journey that causes him to cross paths with characters he never would have. The girl was running again, skirts hitched above her ankles. Ignoring the aches and pains that filled his body, he sat up and forced himself to get his bearings back. Because, in hopes of protecting their identities, Jon and Sansa have to pretend to be happily married and in love. But will Jon and Sansa be able to rebuild their trust in one another and finally reveal their deepest, darkest secrets, or will those secrets tear them apart forever? This fic is exactly what I hoped it would be when I found a link to it. Above him, a blue sky spread out only to be punctured by mountain peaks; all clear and bright in the throes of an early spring. She is in love with Winterfell and , What's a king to a God? Disclaimer: I own nothing! Ned intends for Sansa and Arya to be trained to fight. Jon, though, assumes she means they should marry each other. This tag has not been marked common and can't be filtered on (yet). However, when he does return things only become worse. Their last hope faded with the smell of the burning hair. Happy ending for Gracestopher! A Stitch in Time by the user Will 0the Wisp is a complete novel length work within the A Song of Ice and Fire and Game of Thrones fandom. Takes place after the war against the NK is won. Rating: Not Rated Current Word Count: 55,329 Canon Compliant through: 8x06. - . Realising that if he stayed here he would die for certain, he slowly winched himself back to his feet. It features all of the Starks that have been lost throughout the show and its lovely to see them again even as they struggle to make sense of the situation that theyve found themselves in. And then there's the growing question of his mother. They might even have found the prospect of him becoming a wight mildly amusing. Im in love with the plot and Sansa is so brilliant and badass throughout every second. A post s7 story where Jon and Sansa struggle to navigate their new political landscape while suppressing their feelings for one another, Arya does everything in her power to protect her pack, and Bran and Sam try to figure out how to kill the Night King. i am new to this. Embittered by being sent to the Wall after his years of service, he manipulated events so he could return to Westeros in another's body and exile the last Targaryen. Melisandre shook her head slowly, as if this were a negative thing. Jay is a Godless man indeed. That girl was dead. Jon watched as his father and Lord Robert Baratheon turned their horses around and rode back the way they came.
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