yet they reject grace. In particular, how could Pedro Regis have imagined the extensive message #458, which he received publicly while kneeling for nearly two hours on November 2, 1991? During the cenacles, and on other occasions, this man would see in the air in front of him the numbers of messages from the so-called Blue Book, the collection of the revelations Our Lady gave to Fr. These are the words that Jesus is begging us to have ever on our mind, heart, and lips. It does not replace any of the existing devotions and practices that Heaven has been asking of usfrequenting the Sacraments, praying the Rosary, fasting, reading Scripture, consecrating ourselves to Mary, doing works of mercy, etc.rather, it makes these calls even more urgent and exalted, for we can now do all these things in a truly divinized way. There she heard a voice that she identified as her guardian angel, telling her to get up. (It was this that attracted the attention of the national press to Zaro). Reflect and keep watch because the time is here. . A turning point came in August, 1929, when she was accepted into the parish choir and there met Karoly Kindlemann, a chimney-sweeper instructor. This is perhaps best explained by the fact that, during Dom Carillo Grittis lifetime, the Itapiranga apparitions enjoyed an unusual degree of approval. The earth as you know it will no longer exist. Colin B. Donovan, STL, Marian Movement of Priests, EWTN Expert Answers, accessed July 4, 2019, It is true that the influential Canadian Dominican Franois-Marie Dermine has accused Pedro Regis in the Italian Catholic media of receiving the messages by automatic writing. The seer, himself, has rebutted this hypothesis directly and convincingly (click here). Luz de Mara de Bonilla is a Catholic mystic, stigmatist, wife, mother, Third Order Augustinian, and prophet from Costa Rica, currently residing in Argentina. However, this is only possible if you remain totally selfless, renouncing yourself. Amid such scenarios, messages from Heaven, as conveyed through Catholic mystics, are unequivocal about the vaccines. On October 12, 1987, four days after his first communion, Eduardo and his sister Eliete were praying in front of this image when Eduardo saw a blue light emerging from it and illuminating the room. The attitude of the clergy is predictably mixed: some priests are skeptical, while others participate fully in the cenacle. At the simple shrine on the hillside, a sanctuary structure will be built, as requested by Our Lady. The alleged Marian apparitions in Trevignano Romano in Italy to Gisella Cardia are relatively new. The commission overwhelminglyvoted infavorof recognizing the supernatural nature of the first seven apparitions. He also received 11 secrets concerning the world, Italy, apparitions in the world, the return of Jesus, the Church and the Third Secret of Fatima. But we know that the Spirit blows where and when He wills, and so with great humility and acknowledging that without Him we can do nothing, we dispose ourselves to listen to the Word, Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.. One of those images is now hanging in the Marian Center located at the Divine Mercy Shrine in Massachusetts). .). This message, viewed over 3 million times on YouTube, seems to have predicted the present global health crisis. Five of them are, in English: LOVE, HAVE FAITH, MY PEOPLE, MARY MOST HOLY, and BE WITNESSES.. While an investigative commission was established in 1998 by Bishop of Brescia Bruno Foresti, the Church has never taken an official position on the apparitions, although Marcos prayer group has been allowed to meet in a church in the diocese. Mercy will be infinite for the righteous. She was one of five daughters who lived in the small city of Corato, Italy. Gisella Cardia (2016- to present day) The Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies Timeline of the Great Catholic Monarch and Angelic Pontiff Prophecies, also the Three Days of Darkness and Age of Peace Prophecies from the saints, blesseds, venerables, and approved apparitions. In the messages, Jesus and Mary express their profound sadness over mans disobedience of the Divine law, which has led him to align with evil and act against God. She does what she can to promote the urgent messages heaven is giving to her. Gisella Evil and the Evil One Have Entered the Church. In 1972, eight years into his priesthood, Fr. I am relying on your prayers to mitigate what will come. Tasks are assigned for each day of the week, which involve prayer, fasting, and night vigils, with beautiful promises attached to them, laced with special graces for priests and the souls in purgatory. The Diocesan Administrator contacted the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith and obtained a statement in 2017 to the effect that the CDF did not consider the apparitions supernatural in origin, a position also maintained by the Archdiocese of Manaus. Cardinal Pter Erd of Esztergom-Budapest, Primate of Hungary, established a commission to study The Spiritual Diary and the various recognitions that local bishops around the world had given to The Flame of Love movement, as a private association of the faithful. Several months later, Mary and Saint Michael the Archangel introduced her to Our Lord in a vision, and in time, Jesus and Mary would speak to her of coming events, such as the Warning. thus I have again succeeded in postponing the time of the chastisement decreed by divine justice for a humanity which has become worse than at the time of the flood.(#576). Yet there is additional video evidence of solar phenomena in the presence of multiple witnesses during prayer at the apparition site, similar to the phenomena of the Dancing Sun in Fatima in 1917 or attested by Pope Pius XII in the Vatican Gardens immediately preceding the proclamation of the Dogma of the Assumption in 1950. Gisella Cardia who claimed to be a visionary said the Blessed Virgin Mary has warned last year of a new disease that would come from China. Gobbi and celebrated Mass with him in his private Vatican chapel annually for years. Nagsimula sila noong 2016 kasunod ng kanyang pagbisita sa Medjugorje, Bosnia-Herzegovina, at pagbili ng isang estatwa ng Our Lady, na pagkatapos ay nagsimulang . Even still, Gisellas stigmata, her hemographic blood images, or bleeding statues should not, on their own, be taken as indicative of the visionarys sanctity such as to give hercarte blanchewith regard to all future activity. I DECLARE that I have not found any doctrinal error that attempts against the faith, morality and good habits, for which I grant these publications the IMPRIMATUR. Walter agreed. Here is a professional translation of part of its homepage: It all started in March 2016, but we firmly believe that the real beginning coincides with our consecration to marriage. About six years later, the man began audibly hearing the voice of Jesus (what are called locutions). The world as you know it is about to change. Catholicphily says "She spoke of an "unknown bacteria," or, "as Cardia now says, a 'virus that would arrive from China'." Why Simona and Angela? We can talk about that later.. Gisella How Many Times Has Jesus Promised You Protection? But Jesus has also told Luisa that He is not content with merely a few souls here and there living this new sanctity. He [God] showed us the way and a mission to carry out: to carry out his plans for conversions and the return to the Our Father. A universal prayer encompassing more religions is not possible, because in this way Christianity-the sole truth-would be abolished. so that the pains that they will cause might be alleviated. The apparitions have already been the subject of an Italian national TV broadcast during which the seer behaved with remarkable calm in the face of some heated criticism from panelists in the studio toward her and two books. gisella cardia beware countdown to the kingdom. Then he heard a voice that he believed was God the Father: The Blessed Mother has chosen you to be used as an instrument of God. You see the signs, but do not want to see. . . Click here to see a video of the miracle of the sun (Trevignano Romano - 17 Settembre 2019 - Miracolo del sole/Trevignano Romano September 17, 2019 - Miracle of the sun.) Click here to see Gisella, her husband, Gianni, and a priest, witnessing the miracle of the sun in a public gathering of one of Gisellas apparitions of the Virgin Mary. A very unique gift she has been given are writings on her skin by the blood that comes near to the surface of her wrist and then disappear. However, it should be said that the position of Msgr. (1913-1985)Wife, Mother, Mystic, and Founder of The Flame of Love Movement, Gisella Peter is Unable to Steer the Boat, Gisella The Greatest Spiritual War of All Time, Gisella The Great Powers and the Great War, Gisella Do Not Let Modernism Contaminate You. Gisella Cardia started to have visions in April 2016, after a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. Seraphim Michalenko, vice-postulator of St. Faustinas canonization, translated Jennifers messages into Polish., Video documentary (Italian) including archival 1995 footage of the seers (among them Ciro Vespoli): Stefano Gobbi) and considers the coming of an Era of Peace a heretical view. Jesus said, A prophet is not without honor, except in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house (Mk. Ze begonnen in 2016, volgend op haar bezoek aan Medjugorje en de aankoop van een beeldje van Onze Lieve Vrouw, dat bloed begon te wenen. Gisella I Cannot Uphold My Fathers Arm! In the introduction of the de facto handbook of the MMP: To the Priests, Our Ladys Beloved Sons, it says of the movement: It is a work of love which the Immaculate Heart of Mary is stirring up in the Church today to help all her children to live, with trust and filial hope, the painful moments of the purification. Our Lady showed heaven, hell and purgatory to Edson, and along with her Son, gave various teachings for families to Maria do Carmo. For an inspirational read of amazing conversions as a result of the Medjugorje apparitions and to read an account of the very first apparitions, see the best-sellers, FULL OF GRACE: Miraculous Stories of Healing and Conversion through Marys Intercession and OF MEN AND MARY: How Six Men Won the Greatest Battle of Their Lives. In 2010, her mystical communications came to a conclusion, two years before her death from cancer in St. Johns Hospice, Szczecin, on January 5, 2012. Marie-Julie Jahenny, the great Breton mystic and stigmatist of France, was known for hemographic writing to appear on her body, as well. During that period in her life, she suffered no physical illness (until she succumbed to pneumonia at the end) and she never experienced bedsores, despite being confined to her little bed for sixty-four years. We remain in full compliance with all of these directives; and, if his messages are formally condemned in the future, then we will remove them from this website. Thirdly, the messages have frequently been accompanied by visible phenomena, photographic evidence found inIn Cammino con Maria, which cannot be the fruit of subjective imagination, notably the presence of the stigmata on Giselles body and and the appearance of crosses or religious texts inbloodon Gisellas arms. The hearts of men are becoming harder and harder. 6hswhpehu 'hdu %urwkhuv dqg 6lvwhuv :h kdyh ehhq h[sorulqj lq rxu exoohwlq duwlfohv dssuryhg dssdulwlrqv ri -hvxv 0du\ dqg wkh Jennifer is a young American mother and housewife (her last name is withheld at her spiritual directors request in order to respect the privacy of her husband and family.) It will bring you great trials and great suffering. Gisella The Church is Tasting Her Martyrdom, Gisella Everything is Being Totally Fulfilled, Gisella Many Have Fallen Into the Greatest Deception, Gisella Ecclesial Freemasonry Wants a Single Church, Gisella The Time Reaches Its Conclusion, Gisella You Will be Stripped of Everything, Gisella Falsehoods are Worse than Disease, Gisella Dramatic Events and Grandiose Signs are Coming, Gisella The Warning Will Expose Everything, Gisella The Church Will Live Her Passion, Gisella The Times Predicted from Fatima Onwards have Arrived, Gisella This is the Time of Persecution, Gisella The Road of the Antichrist is Opening, Gisella Gather as Many Souls as Possible, Gisella The Vatican Will be Greatly Shaken, Gisella The Holy Spirit Will Now Blow Strongly. The messages originally came as internal locutions, followed by visions of Mary, who came to describe Luz de Maras mission. Unite, pray tidal waves will cause great catastrophes. These phenomena, when the sun appears to rotate, flash or be transformed into a Eucharistic Host, clearly cannot be faked by human means, and being recorded (albeit imperfectly) on camera, are also evidently not merely the fruit of collective hallucination. I have shared some of such messages in this column, including the message of our Blessed Mother to Gisella Cardia on March 16, 2021 as follows: Nog een waarschuwing- dit keer van de Italiaanse zienster Gisella Cardia Datum: 15/09/2020 De redactie 3 Reacties De Mariale verschijningen in Trevignano Romano, in Itali, aan Gisella Cardia zijn relatief recent. Elizabeth Sznt was a Hungarian mystic born in Budapest in 1913, who lived a life of poverty and hardship. Taking them with him to the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament during his lunch break from his job as a real-estate broker, he devoured them and quickly became a different man. On March 26, 1994 he heard a voice saying Little son, write! Marco, dear son, do not be afraid, I am [your] Mother, write for all your brothers and sisters. The sun has been recorded pulsating and moving there. Mark Mallett has also provided answers to 24objections to the apparitions. for the little flock to remain strong. From 1995 to 2005, Marco had visible stigmata during Lent and relived the Lords Passion on Good Friday. In 2021, Edson passed away from a short terminal illness. Their banner was recently blessed by Pope Francis. Thy Will be done. After a period during which he was effectively homeless, Eduardo eventually settled in So Jos dos Pinhais in the state of Paran in 1997, where he still resides, and where a sanctuary has been built, as can be seen in the videos of the apparitions. To view Pedro sharing The messages he has received, click here. Adam Skwarczynski, the diaries of Bruno Cornacchiola. Seven months later, a statue of Our Lady of the Immaculate Heart in their home began to weep oil profusely (later, other sacred statues and images began oozing fragrant oil while a crucifix and statue of St. Pio bled. All this is not to frighten, but to urge man to turn his gaze toward God. Why Gisella Cardia? Filippo Strofaldi, who had been following the apparitions since 1999, had the monsignor judged the apparitions either diabolic or the result of mental illness. Our Lady to Gisella Cardia on December 29th, 2020: Dear children, thank you for being here in prayer and for having responded to my call in your hearts. At the womans next appearance, the children sprinkled the mysterious figure with blessed water, thinking it might be a demon, but the woman did not disappear. Of course, these could conceivably be fraud or even demonic interference, as could the weeping of the statue of the Virgin and images of Jesus in Gisellas and her husband, Giannis, home. And how could he have written it down onto over 130 sheets of paper numbered in advance, with the message stopping perfectly at the end of page 130? Click here to see a video of the miracle of the sun (Trevignano Romano 17 Settembre 2019 Miracolo del sole/Trevignano Romano September 17, 2019 Miracle of the sun.) Click here to see Gisella, her husband, Gianni, and a priest, witnessing the miracle of the sun in a public gathering of one of Gisellas apparitions of the Virgin Mary. By March of 1973, about forty priests had joined the Marian Movement of Priests, and by the end of 1985, Fr. Tell everyone that Jesus will soon return. A third factor in favor of taking the Zaro apparitions/messages seriously is the clear evidence that in 1995, the visionaries had what appears to have been a precognitive vision (published in the magazineEpoca) of the 2001 destruction of the Twin Towers* in New York. In the following year, Jesus began to speak interiorly to her especially after receiving Holy Communion. In a follow-up meeting, Msgr. In all the places where I have already appeared and continue to appear, I always confirm my apparitions so that there will be no doubts, and here in Itapiranga, my Heavenly manifestations will be confirmed. Quite naturally, this work makes use of certain instruments; and in a particular way, Don Stefano Gobbi has been chosen. Gabriele Amorth who encouragedValeria to diffuse her messages outside the prayer cenacle. On the third of every. Click here. beware of god co uk auslander shalom. Twice, she tried to enter religious congregations but was rejected. . What is coming can no longer be mitigated. The idea that fallen angels could be at the origin of the messages nonetheless seems extremely unlikely, given their theological content and exhortations to holiness. The END of our Freedom, of our Existence. Children, look at the world: it has reached [the point of] destruction. . National Headquarters of the Marian Movement of Priests in the United States of America, Our Lady Speaks to Her Beloved Priests, 10th Edition (Maine; 1988) p. xiv. when they decide to unify the religions. Together with her brother, she started participating in the meetings of the Catholic Charismatic Renewal in 1984 following the death of their mother. Gobbi founded the Marian Movement of Priests (MMP). From Eastern Europe your suffering will come. That developed into the mystical phenomenon whereby Luisa began to live on the Eucharist alone as her daily bread. Whenever she was forced under obedience by her confessor to eat, she was never able to digest the food, which came out minutes later, intact and fresh, as if it had never been eaten. Running to more than 1000 printed pages, Alicjas two-volume spiritual journal (Testimony (1985-1989) and Exhortations (1989-2010) was published posthumously, thanks to the efforts of the Archbishop of Szczecin, Andrzej Dziga, who established a theological commission for the evaluation of her writings, which were granted the Imprimatur by Bishop Henryk Wejman. One priest makes spelling corrections, then another gives the messages a final review before uploading them to the website,, to be shared with the world. Extraordinary signs and manifestations have marked our hearts. buy out of the box xbox edition microsoft store Violent rabbis, lovelorn wives, a busy Grim Reaper, shame-filled simians, and one seriously angry deity populate this humorous and We have collected and transcribed them from the very beginning. A month later, Elizabeth was scheduled to board a train from Austria at 10:00 a.m. in order to return to the Swiss family who decided to adopt her. Not long after that, Our Lady began to speak to him, especially after he received Holy Communion. The signs have arrived and you still do not believe. One day, his friend and co-worker, Aaron, who had recently undergone a conversion in Medjugorje, handed Walter a book of Marys Medjugorje messages. Now the Holy Virgin appears during the recitation of the Holy Rosary and beyond, leaving messages of conversion and preparation for events that will touch humanity. Apparitions in Trevignano Romano, Italy. The Lord will give you love in your hearts such that you, my children, will not be lost. Gisella Why Are You Not Listening to Mother? Gisella Cardia Nothing Will be the Same, Gisella Cardia Enough Silence Out of Fear, Gisella Cardia Jesus Will Never Abandon You, Gisella Cardia Behold, War has Already Started, Gisella Cardia Satan Believes He has Already Won, Gisella Cardia New Heavens and a New Earth, Gisella Cardia Balls of Fire Will Descend, Luisa On Union Between Church and State, Pedro Do Not be Discouraged by Difficulties, The Warning: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience,,, Do not wait for God's final judgment, but be aware of all that will come . Do not be afraid. Its contents can be found here: Dermine with respect to the general question of contemporary private revelation, it quickly becomes apparent that he has a theologicala prioriagainst any prophecy (such as the writings of Fr. He no longer lives near Zaro but receives and vets the messages. light blessed candles in your home. Moreover, Our Lady specifically requested a Christian evangelization directed in a distinct way toward the youth and the construction of a simple chapel for pilgrims, as well as the institution of a soup kitchen in Itapiranga for needy children. It will be difficult to doubt their origin. America's head of state will be fiercely attacked. Kneel in prayer and sacrifice for Eastern Europe. | CNS photo/Robert Duncan VATICAN CITY The Catholic Church has always been very cautious when it comes to judging reported Marian apparitions. At first glance, the messages may appear repetitive (an accusation also frequently levelled at those in Medjugorje) in terms of their consistent emphasis on certain central themes: the necessity to devote ones life wholly to God, faithfulness to the True Magisterium of the Church, the importance of prayer, the Scriptures and the Eucharist. Email To read more about Luz de Maria de Bonilla, see the book, THE WARNING: Testimonies and Prophecies of the Illumination of Conscience. At age five, her father died, and at ten, Elizabeth was sent to Willisau, Switzerland to live with a well-to-do family. Do not fear regarding the times of pain awaiting you You have given birth to a humanity without God. (Trevignano Romano miracolo del sole 3 gennaio 2020/Trevignano Romanos miracle of the sun, January 3, 2020). I answered affirmatively, and then after a day of continuous prayer, that night, Christ appeared to me on the Cross and shared His wounds. Mary appears in these apparitions as Rosa Mystica, a title under which she appeared to nurse Pierina Gilli in Montichiari-Fontanelle (1947), an event to which the Brazilian apparitions to Eduardo and Junior refer repeatedly. A Nihil obstatwas recently granted by an Archbishop for the Polish translation of the second of these,In Cammino con Maria("On the way with Mary") published byEdizioni Segno, containing the story of the apparitions and the associated messages up until 2018. In each revelation given to Luz de Mara, Our Lord Jesus Christ and the Blessed Virgin Mary guide the steps, the work, and the actions of the people of God in these times in which humanity needs to return to the teachings contained in Holy Scripture. A North-American man, who wishes to remain anonymous, and whom we will call Walter, was obnoxiously loud, braggadocious, and who mocked the Catholic faith, even to the point of ripping his mothers rosary beads out of her praying hands and scattering them across the floor, went through a profound conversion. otherwise, all this would not have happened. Not all of Gods messages are calamities. Then, during Communion at Mass one day, Jesus began to audibly speak to her giving messages of love and warning telling her, My child, you are the extension of My message of Divine Mercy.Since her messages focus more on the justice thatmustcome to an unrepentant world, they do indeed fill in the latter part of St. Faustinas message: before I come as a just Judge, I first open wide the door of My mercy. Humanity is perverse and deaf to my calls as a Mother. . The Virgin Mary identified herself as the Queen of the Rosary and of Peace, and the messages often emphasized praying the Rosary dailyin particular the family rosary, turning off the television, going to Confession, Eucharistic Adoration, the confirmation that the true Church is the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, and that a torrent of chastisements are soon approaching. While Walter was driving home from work one day, an intense feeling in his chest, like a heartburn that didnt hurt, suddenly overwhelmed him. It has attracted the attention of specialist writers such as the well-known Italian journalist Saverio Gaeta, and has lately been the subject of a book-length study by researcher Annarita Magri. Gisella Cardia started to have visions in April 2016, after a pilgrimage to Medjugorje. . Our Lady said: Pray for China, because new diseases will come from there, all ready to infect the air by unknown bacteria [excerpt], or, as Gisella now says, a virus that would arrive from China after a few months it arrived. For many years to follow, Elizabeth struggled to care for herself and her family. Firstly, the content of Gisella's messages converges very closely with the "prophetic consensus" represented by other contemporary sources, without any indication of her awareness of their existence (Luz de Maria de Bonilla, Pedro Regis, Fr. The messages that Our Lady gave to Fr. The messages she receives are audio recorded by two people and then transcribed by a nun. As regards the often sobering content of the messages,** there is a striking convergence between them and other serious sources, with notheological errors. Jesus told the man, I will cease speaking to you now, but My Mother will continue to lead you. The couple felt called to start a cenacle of the Marian Movement of Priests where they would meditate on the messages of Our Lady to Fr. Pray for the Pope, the hour of his great pain and concern. the wrath of God can no longer be stopped. It wasnt until she became a Daughter of Mary that the nightmares finally ceased at the age of eleven. Pawel said, Spread the messages to the world any way you can.. And Archbishop Zanoni has appeared publicly in Anguera alongside Pedro Regis, and blessing pilgrims. Living as an orphan on the verge of starvation, Elizabeth worked hard to survive. Gobbi had boarded over 350 air flights and taken numerous journeys by car and train, visiting five continents several times over. Even though some of the Lords words were of warning, he described Jesuss voice as always beautiful and gentle. They will try to say it is being done for your good. you will see the new Jerusalem descend. Leading Mariologist, Dr. Mark Miravalle of Steubenville University devoted a book to them, called The Three Hearts: Apparitions of Jesus, Mark, and Joseph from the Amazon. Jesus, I trust in You. . She also requested that a chapel be built that still stands. Gisella Cardia: War Will Reach Europe And Especially Rome. They will have lost the occasion to be saved. The two boys began evangelizing together but faced considerable opposition, with Eduardo receiving death threats, including from members of his family. of water, food and medicine, everything is about to end. Together with my blessing, I express my best wishes for the Words of Heaven contained here to resonate in every creature of good will. We Will Undergo Suffering And Destruction The Christian Sanctuary 10.5K subscribers Subscribe 593 Share 11K views 2 months ago. Gisella Cardia "During the time of the approach of the punishments announced at La Salette, an unlimited amount of false revelations will arise from hell like a swarm of flies; a last attempt of Satan to choke and destroy the belief in the true revelations by false ones." Marie Julie Jahenny of La Faudais (d.1891) Adam Skwarczynski, the diaries of Bruno Cornacchiola. Stefano Gobbi have now begun. My Son will be born in the midst of tribulation. Our Ladys messages from July 1973 to December 1997, through locutions to Fr. 252-253: Father Stefano Gobbi was born in Dongo, Italy, north of Milan in 1930 and died in 2011. No pronouncement has yet been made on the authenticity of the apparitions, which continue to be monitored by the Church. It should be obvious that the content of these messages cannot have a demonic origin because of their strict theological orthodoxy. Note: About 23 years ago, a man and a woman in California, who were living together in a life of sin, began a profound conversion through Divine Mercy. In 1997, the messages of Itapiranga at times emphasized devotion to St. Josephs Most Chaste Heart, and Jesus asked for the following Feast Day to be introduced into the Church: I desire that the first Wednesday, after the Feast of My Sacred Heart and the Immaculate Heart of Mary, be dedicated to the Feast of the Most Chaste Heart of St. Joseph. As a result, she spent long hours praying the Rosary and invoking the protectionof the saints. She made some mainstream, international press not that that is her goal after it was discovered that Our Lady gave her a message on September 28, 2019, which foretold the coronavirus months before the pandemic started in 2020. Its something you can never get used to. Around the age of fourteen, Luisa began to experience visions and apparitions of Jesus and Mary along with physical sufferings. Why the Visionaries of Our Lady of Medjugorje?
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