Id like to point out that theyre not allowing ourselves to conduct a comprehensive audit of facilities or inspection of facilities and they are declining our attempts to inspect those facilities. And of course, they turned these people into canon fodder. In 1991 in Belovezhskaya Pushcha, representatives of the party elite of that time made a decision to terminate the Soviet Union, without asking ordinary citizens what they wanted, and people suddenly found themselves cut off from their homeland. The whole planet is dotted with their bases. It was the so-called West that trampled on the principle of the inviolability of borders, and now it is deciding, at its own discretion, who has the right to self-determination and who does not, who is unworthy of it. All of this was completely against the documents that were accepted by the United Nations Security Council. The whole world knows that the top officials in these countries are being spied on and that their offices and homes are bugged. Third, is an important point on the agenda, is the new sources of financing and investment. Kievs current authorities should respect this free expression of the peoples will; there is no other way. Again, I would like to express my gratitude for such patriotic stance. And we said that were not fighting in Ukraine. Step by step, they started to destroy the system of world security and control of weapons. You remember that during pandemics we were providing support to other European countries, Italy and other countries, those who had the most difficult times. We had a program of building 1, 300 schools from 2018-2024. (57:40) And this was the material for the military actions. But it cannot be denied that the Americans sent us materiel without which we could not have formed our reserves or continued the war. Everyone needs to understand that the sources of wealth in the future should be only here in Russia. And all we hear is, the West is insisting on a rules-based order. Mar 3, 2023 Updated 12 min ago. We were always generous, compassionate, and Russia, as a country reflects these qualities. And historically, this has always been a feature of our nation. Also, and in exchange for that 60 billion, they require complete submission to their will. This evasive word migrates from one strategy to another but really only means one thing undermining any and all sovereign centres of power. And we understand the number of problems in logistics, in economy, in finance, staffing. We have already heard about the deterrence of Russia, China and Iran. They simply got used to acting according to a template, to grab whatever they please, by blackmail, bribery, intimidation, and convinced themselves that these methods would work forever, as if they had fossilised in the past. And you should not try lie to everyone. These specialized vehicles will be able to provide health care in remote areas. Russia is a great thousand-year-old power, a whole civilisation, and it is not going to live by such makeshift, false rules. We know that numbers have dropped significantly in this area, and we need that We know that this area needs to be developed. President ofRussia Vladimir Putin: Fellow Russian citizens. An official Russian version in English can be found here. At the same time, our plans do not include the occupation of Ukrainian territories. Their heavy military duty, their heroic acts are finding a response in Russia. These are the people who are prepared to give their life for their motherland. Just like in culture, we have to provide scientists and researchers greater freedom for creativity. It actually continues to occupy Germany, Japan, the Republic of Korea and other countries, which they cynically refer to as equals and allies. Their latest statements of their leaders only confirms this. And this work is being conducted constantly. However, we saw a growth in 2023, and this is growth compared to 2021. The West is ready to cross every line to preserve the neo-colonial system which allows it to live off the world, to plunder it thanks to the domination of the dollar and technology, to collect an actual tribute from humanity, to extract its primary source of unearned prosperity, the rent paid to the hegemon. Do not get stuck in the past. Hence, the deployment and maintenance of hundreds of military bases in all corners of the world, NATO expansion, and attempts to cobble together new military alliances, such as AUKUS and the like. Everything I am saying is important. All they care about is their own benefit. And at the recent security conference, there was an endless flow of accusations against Russia. Exposing false messiahs, Jesus Christ said in the Sermon on the Mount: By their fruits ye shall know them. These poisonous fruits are already obvious to people, and not only in our country but also in all countries, including many people in the West itself. Id like to point out that this is not a money printing policy. And its a shame to even say that one of the units of the Ukrainian Army was given a name, Edelweiss. In 1991, the West thought that Russia would never rise after such shocks and would fall to pieces on its own. Article. And we need to stimulate small family run businesses. Starting from this year, we will have a new mode of working for industrial clusters. Transcribe your audio files to find high-impact insights in minutes. We have a very talented new generation who is able to work for the benefit of our country, and its for these people that these new horizons are opened by these competitions that are set, so this competition of leaders of regeneration. The battlefield to which destiny and history have called us is a battlefield for our people, for the great historical Russia. Its very important to them. Unfortunately, instead of expanding our production, manufacturing, instead of creating employment here in our country, this capital was spent buying elite real estate, yachts, and so on. (17:06) But there is another choice to be with your motherland, to work for the benefit of your compatriots. Step-by-step we will continue to resolve the objectives that before us. Id like to reiterate that we adopted the same approach for Crimea and Sevastopol. We will continue thinking about very difficult issues in life, and most important thing is not to destroy society, but to stimulate the best qualities in people. Because in this case, were talking about existence of our country. (37:03) President of Russia Vladimir Putin: Mr. President, Mr. Secretary-General, colleagues, ladies and gentlemen, This year, the international community celebrates two, without exaggeration, historic anniversaries: the 75th anniversary of the end of the Second World War and establishment of the United Nations. At the end of 2022, the GDP is reduced. And Im proposing to provide special program for housing. They have hundreds, hundreds of military bases around the world. One of Vladimir Putin's top propagandists has claimed that the UK is 'now the main evil', as Russia continues to spin its barbaric war in Ukraine.. We are expanding our potential of treating the waste so that we have a close cycle waste treatment systems. This is America! We will protect our children from degradation. But even the sacred texts are subjected to doubt. I would like to thank you for this responsible position, and I would like to remind you of [inaudible 01:15:22] words who said this more than a hundred years ago, but this can be said today, he said that in the business of defense of Russia, we all have to unite, we have to coordinate our forces and our rights in order to support one supreme historic right, the right of Russia to be strong. (01:02:47) We have not forgotten anything. Thank you. Actually, Russia no longer needs it today; this isnt our ambition. In a speech describing his aims for the second year of his invasion of Ukraine, the Russian president said Ukraine was in talks with the West about weapons before Russia invaded. 3.7. They supported our actions in Donbas and real patriotism was seen in this support. Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a tirade against Western values in his speech at the annual Valdai Discussion Club in Sochi late into Thursday evening. They do not want or need Russia, but we do. And following that, our relationships went to such a level where US and Soviet Union stated they were no longer considering each other enemies. Athletes' ambitions don't end when they leave the field of play. And they were also publicly talking about supply of nuclear weapons. Make your content more accessible to people with disabilities. The demand for the innovation products that is produced by these companies will be supported by the government and subsidized by the government. A few words about whats going on around us: Dear colleagues, Id like to highlight another area. And those who start asking fair questions like Why is that, in fact? are immediately declared enemies, extremists and radicals. Of course, the state has to control whats going on in this area. of the international community. California Weighs $360,000 in Reparations to Eligible Black Residents. Its the basis of sovereignty, of our people and our rights of our people cannot be shaken. Look at what theyve done to their own people. More lies. But, first of all, we will rely on our own potential, on our traditions, on our values, and here I would like to talk about the character of our people. We should not allow a situation where a building becomes dilapidated. I would like to point out that this money will be aimed at smaller cities and towns. Truth is with us. We have never agreed to and will never agree to such political nationalism and racism. We have various approaches to resolving social issues. This regime is not serving their national interests. This will reduce their income tax base. (59:35) This is contrary to human nature, truth, freedom and justice. It is critically important for them to force all countries to surrender their sovereignty to the United States. (01:40:45) Such attempts were made during the Time of Troubles in the 17th century and in the period of ordeals after the 1917 revolution. It looks like theyre not stupid. What they did was get entire nations hooked on drugs and purposefully exterminated entire ethnic groups for the sake of grabbing land and resources, hunting people like animals. Nothing could be further from the truth. Of course, later on they started also investing here, but then the first wave was spent on consuming western goods. And Id like to remind you that in February, March, they were forecasting total collapse. We are providing mothers capital in Lugansk and Donetsk, Zaporozhye and Kherson regions, to the families where children were born starting from 2007. Is that what we want for our country and our children? And theyve got very marked signs on their tanks. They have no intention of solving the problems of injustice and inequality. Theyre serving interests of foreign powers. Not enough deaths? What is unacceptable is that US started to restructure this only according to their own needs. A very important point here is the minimum wage. They had only one goal, as with the nuclear bombing of Japanese cities: to intimidate our country and the rest of the world. THE OVAL CIRCLE, The Medieval Origin of the European Disunion, Aclaracin de la Agencia Espacial Turca sobre el terremoto del 6 de febrero | maestroviejo, Turkish Space Agency Clarification about February 6 Earthquake, MIT & Harvard Study Suggests mRNA Vaccine Might Permanently Alter DNA After All, The Mysterious Death of PCR Test Inventor Kary Mullis Faucis Most Notable Critic, Kiev Plans to Give Snake Island to Romania! According to the results of last year, banking sector received a profit, not as significant as in the previous years, but very significant. This is the only way to peace. Thanks to our strong balance, we do not have to ask for money abroad. In his 2007 Munich address, the Russian leader firmly rejected the post-Cold War system he's still trying to torpedo. We know how to be friends. As a matter of fact, this was actually the case until recently. Im asking this all Russian educational fund to control these aspects of the new project. Do not try to argue in court and try to return things. Putin made the remarks while justifying Russias suspension of its participation in the New START treaty, which seeks to cap the number of nuclear warheads possessed by the US and Russia. And we have to create the high speed road between Kazan, Yekaterinburg and Chita and so forth. Yes, many risks were impossible to predict or calculate and we had to react very, very quickly, both at the level of the government and the level of the business. We will be focusing on the infrastructure of the regions, including communications, roads, and in 2024, around 85% of the roads of the largest conglomerates and also half of the national roads will be brought up to a new level of quality. The preservation of this annuity is their main, real and absolutely self-serving motivation. The West clearly did not expect such insubordination. They are trying to destabilize our society from inside, but their attempts were not justified and were not successful. The second is that we are going to focus on development of our technological potential of our economy. And this was a bloody coup, anti-state, anti-constitution coup. Id like to add a very important point. Those who planned a new attack on Donetsk, on Donbas, on Lugansk, they clearly understood that the next objective is strike against Sevastopol and Crimea. Below is a fullEnglish-language transcript of Vladimir Putin's May 9 speech at a military parade in Moscows Red Square marking the anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany inWorld War II. They provoked a growth of prices in their own countries, closures of factories, collapse of energy sector. And all regions of Russia are providing direct support to cities and towns of Donetsk and Lugansk and other regions, and theyre doing it as real brothers and sisters. And we will provide constant operational control over these issues. Theyre also again aimed at Russia. Whats very important is a long-term savings of Russian citizens, and we have to stimulate that flow of that money into the investment sector, and Id like to ask the government to look at launching a special government program from April this year to create additional conditions for citizens to invest within the country, and to make money within the country, and also to guarantee the contributions to investment companies. We preserved employment, we supported our financial system, business people who are investing in the development of their business and therefore in the development of the country. Below is the full text of Vladimir Putins speech, published by the Kremlins official website: Citizens of Russia, citizens of the Donetsk and Lugansk peoples Good afternoon. Look now, what kind of alliance is that? As a service, CN provides here the English text of the speech. Our development and prosperity are also a threat to them because competition is growing. Theyll be using our traitors, whove been throughout the ages, have the same attitude to their own people, hatred for their own nation. There is nothing new in this: deep down, the Western elites have remained the same colonisers. Here are seven key points and accusations from the speech. Today this is just nonsense. (01:04:52) We began and we will continue our program of social restoration of these territories, and the idea is to bring back the factories and the industry and we will create access to our internal sea. Below is a full English-language transcript of Vladimir Putin's May 9 speech at a military parade in Moscows Red Square marking the anniversary of the defeat of Nazi
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