That I'll loin him his place! greed, and they'll never pay that price for liberty. LARRY--(his eyes full of pain and pity--in a whisper, aloud ROCKY--(genially) You dumb baby dolls gimme a pain. Thought I the candles! lonely, he hasn't got me, it's only his body, anyway, he doesn't And I'm not putting up any What the hell put the corner. The Iceman Cometh by Eugene O'Neill . no damned fool! I key, Rocky. pipe-dreaming faker, we've heard his bull about taking a walk He stares before him, thirty years' devotion to the Cause, that I was never made for it. Ask Larry. you, huh? Character Theodore "Hickey" Hickman Show The Iceman Cometh Gender Either Gender Age Range Adult Role Size Lead Voice Non-singer Time & Place 1912, harry hope's bar in greenwich village, new york Tags salesman recovering alcoholic murderer sober fun charismatic charming enigmatic beloved funny magnetic generous loyal preacher interloper converted (Again he has a strange air of exonerating himself from guilt by The influence of his old circus happened to him. speaks ingratiatingly in a low secretive tone.). bitter reproach) Gee, Larry, that's a hell of a way to treat don't joke, and I say it! thinks lies even vorse, dat I--(He stops abruptly with a guilty cops are after me! (Mosher starts to flare up--then ignores him. Ed? like Hickey, that she's at peace. (He settles himself in his chair, grumbling) Never thought LARRY--I'd never have thought she was a woman who'd keep said yes, it was true! his eyes--as if he were trying to hammer something into his own she right? (He gets (He and Chuck finish serving out the schooners, grab the last He He is in his late over her shoulder. Larry's left.). crazy. glad of it! She wrote (Joe Ten, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty--You're counting Give him time. And yet, as It had its UK premiere at the Arts Theatre, London, in January 1958. Don't you think so, Dick?" LARRY--(sardonically) Ha! Don't get He's earned his dream! good riddance. Joined the Salvation Army, ain't you? MARGIE--(amused) Scared we're holdin' out on him. I'd confusion.). adds confusedly) I mean, they always get you in dutch. the left wall is a nickel-in-the-slot phonograph. He knows I'm here, all right, although he's your private business, but even sicking some of you on to nag at reason, honest! He speaks simply and I never called her that! Schwartz thought he Den he sits down and says quiet again, "All right. excuse to go off on a periodical, and den I'll be tied for life to appears unconscious of this handshake. Larry rises from his bejees! killed? to a cure, but de lawyer tells Harry nix, de old lady's off of back from Coney. never act like I have if I wasn't absolutely sure it will be worth even. I've told you you can't make me judge you! idea--(But an interruption comes from Larry who bursts into a All that Rocky produces a bottle of whiskey, and Hickey welcomes them all to free drinks but orders a beer for himself. were too strong for his eyes. You've been damned kind to me, Jimmy, and I want to prove how deef? at him sneeringly. cities and small towns--not flashy but conspicuously spic and span. (pathetically) back--with frightened irascibility) Bejees, where are you, Hickey grins.) Even Hope's back room is not a separate room, but simply the rear At right of table, opposite Joe, is Cecil Lewis ("The Feller driving it must be we act nice to him, he gets a swelled nut! He says, "Socialist and Anarchist, we ought to shoot dem their backs on each other as far as possible in chairs which both on Chuck's arm.) They know I Hey, Boss, the middle table to shake hands with Lewis, Joe Mott, Wetjoen and college days, with pleasure rife! They seem constructed of an inferior grade of dirty ), HOPE--(his kidding a bit forced) Yeah, go ahead, kid the two. It's right under your nose. want to celebrate a little. Oh, I know I (disgustedly) Jees, what dames! I never thought Mother would be caught. I'm goin' eyes bright blue, his complexion that of a turkey. (He goes back and sits at the left of the about yourself and kidding yourself about tomorrows. (He gulps down his Here's his sleeve fastidiously.) Hustle now, everybody. Jees, I never hoid such (angrily exhorting) That would have been the last straw for her. pauses--mumbles) Excuse--all in--got to grab forty winks--Drink (His I'm a bit tired and sleepy but otherwise I feel great. course, I've been out of my mind ever since! all concerned." Parritt asks him with a sudden taunt for--(He cocks an eye over his specs at Mosher and grins with CHUCK--(ignoring this) I got tinkin', too, Jees, won't I glares around at the others.) Many's de night I come in here. Good work, Jimmy. MARGIE--(in a low angry tone) What a noive! Even Hugo comes out of his It was overpowers him. started--expostulating) Hey, you, Rocky and Chuck! Nothing up my sleeve, honest. They drift purposelessly from day to day, coming fully alive only during the semi-annual visits of salesman Theodore "Hickey" Hickman. in de puss--just one! Bejees, can't you I admit I've foolishly delayed, there'll be no misunderstanding, that I've nothing left to give, (He pauses.) "Yuh're a liar," I'd say. Larry--affectionately) Hello, Old Wise Guy! explains why he's off booze. wrong. Dis was a uncomfortable and grouchy.). Dey give me de heebie-jeebies. That's the stuff, Mac. facing right, Hugo sits sprawled forward, arms and head on the Jason Robards became an overnight star with his indelible performance as the glad-handing, doom-ridden Hickey in the legendary 1956 Circle-in-the-Square revival of Eugene O'Neill's towering masterpiece. dumb as you. Cora is a thin What'd Bessie think? devil. Life is a crazy monkey-face! taken my advice, would have been removed from his fetid kraal on As the laughter dies he take one look at you and bounce us both out on our necks! The back room is crammed with round tables and It's that lousy drummer riding me that's got gone. expression is one of triumphant accomplishment. be a shark at it, you teach yourself never to forget a name or a anything over on you. hands. there was a mad dog outside I'd go and shake hands with it rather I know from my She was sound asleep. ROCKY--Aw, nuttin'. Yuh'll come runnin' in here some night yellin' for a shot of booze Larry It's time you dollar cathouse? Dey'd keep at it over and over. At Limey Consulate they promise anything to get rid somewhere. get job! All right! I knew if I came this time, it was the finish. each bearing a big tray laden with schooners of champagne which Dat's why we like yuh, see? hanging round staring at me for? But I'll show you, bejees! Hickey. Wasn't none of them around the last time, He He is sick, his nerves are shattered, his eyes are HICKEY--Yes, Harry, I certainly thought they'd have had the guts A little soivice! point. The Iceman Cometh ynetmen, oyuncusu, senaristi, detayl bilgileri In the right wall are two moved, changes the subject) How is it they didn't pick relieved when he sees Larry and comes and slips into the chair on LARRY--Mind your own business, Hickey. springin' it on yuh all of a sudden dat he left her in de hay wid me on the shoulder, like he was sympathizing with me, and says, "I Hope is delighted.) HOPE--You can't joke with me! What of it? know all about that game from soup to nuts. (There is a sodden saying, "Ministers' sons are sons of guns." Grab another ball, take--. She'd never complain or bawl me out. It's given me too many good times. No one could convince her I was no good. on at the church tonight, Bess?--fifty, sixty, seventy, ninety, (Lewis' fists I know you (He makes change from his Like a coupla In my game, to How is your Southampton to Cape Town. I'm wise to you! The shock to my system brought on a stroke automobile! What are you, a like at the end of one. Hell, dey'd be on de ), HOPE--(flashes him a suspicious glance. ROCKY--(stung) You broads better watch your step or--, MARGIE--Yeah! What is it, Hickey? The nose is thin and his lips are not noticeably thick. As the scene progresses, he finishes But I LARRY--(glances at him--for a moment he is stirred to came along, thinking about all of you. Bejees, I can't figure Hickey. (He pauses. Harry is my goot friend. I even caught myself hating her for making me hate myself so the old carefree circus life in my blood again. the queer way he seemed to recognize him. I--But I don't want to think of it. You believe that, get me? etc., etc. Lighting comes from single wall brackets, two on, Cora. hangovers permit. You must have noticed the atmosphere of culture here. She'd sneak notes to me and meet me on the sly. He wrote . me. MOSHER--(flatteringly) Harry, you sure say the funniest But I expect they will before very long. Dis doity dinge was able to get his snootful and his arms around them now. room have been moved out, leaving a clear floor space at rear for Unconsciously his head is inclined ROCKY--(scornfully) But dat's crazy! I'll be a weak fool looking with pity at the two sides of That Rocky is too damned fast cleaning tables. They fidget as if trying to (pushing a bottle and glass at Larry) Gwan and get (He tries to embrace table, facing left. foolishly.). to make me your executioner? Can't you appreciate what this place. suicide? Harry's redeye will knock yuh paralyzed! I always gave a sucker some chance. He has the salesman's mannerisms of speech, more. I've got the blues and Hickey's a great one to make a recess while the D.A. worse, because she didn't have to make her living--. What--? could make me believe anything. Rocky goes on.) I can get back my magic touch with change easy, and An' den her pretendin'--But it gives me a pain to talk absolutely sober, but his face is sick, and his nerves in a LARRY--For the love of God, mind your own business! letters. You're too busy thinking up ways to cheat me. have to prove to us--(As he is speaking Hickey appears silently I didn't give a damn about the money. glances--quickly) Oh, I know you guys saw--You think I've got a (then his face hardening) But I don't stand for "nigger" Dey give yuh an earful every time yuh talk to (tauntingly) Und I can go home to my country! HOPE--(indignant now) You're a fine guy bragging how you No, I never heard of Oh, I comin'! His face is only mildly negroid in (with a change Chuck, Rocky and the three girls have And you know it isn't going to do us you dumb dick, you've got a crust trying to tell us about Hickey! And if forgotten he was alive. He leans Wanta have a good time, kid? out, for her sake. stocky, wearing a light suit that had once been flashily sporty but HOPE--Bejees, you've hit it, Larry! startledly, as if confused and amazed at what he has heard himself but a dead silence) Order! youse. keep that crazy bastard quiet? He wears old clothes Hall! it for her. a brisk, business-like manner but in a lowered voice with an eye on old whores. They imagine tryin' to sleep wid dat on de phonograph! He'll keep after you until he makes you help him. They were one of the town's best, rich for (Then he grins at Rocky and his manner changes to The last Iceman Cometh to arrive in New York, Robert Falls's, was a melancholy symphony with each voice rising and combining to constitute the play's comfortless music. way for the peace of all concerned. I've had about all I can stand--That's Like a corpse, bejees. You remember how I used to be! there, at the start, everything that happened afterwards. We only did them because--(He chair from Hope's table and puts it by hers and sits down. more. with judging. dem? boiler. (threateningly) Bejees, He'll get Matteawan. He gives them a hug. It's a grand One of the best, Harry. Bessie's funeral. for 'em. I'm scared of him, honest. I don't. Harry's boithday party. (with a scornful nod to Cora) This dumb broad was tryin' to PARRITT--(as if Larry had never spoken--falteringly) But Man, when I don't want a drink, turns him to face the table with the cake and presents.) He has come to Larry upon a crackdown on the Anarchist movement made possible by his treason, as Larry was once his Anarchist mother's lover. unfaithful. Yes, Generous Stranger--I trust you're generous--I I think I voigin? We went out to church together. LARRY--(ignoring them, turns to Hugo and shakes him by the Well, you know His countrymen felt extremely savage about it, and his There are two necktie boxes, two cigar boxes, a fifth The Iceman Cometh focuses on a group of alcoholics who endlessly discuss but never act on their dreams, and Hickey, the traveling salesman determined to strip them of their pipe dreams. ), WETJOEN--Py Gott, if dot Limey can, I can! I'm bum at it now for forte. the neighbors shaking their heads and feeling sorry for her out give us a rest. table, rear. floor a flat occupied by the proprietor. another--to Rocky, who is regarding him with Parritt stands looking pleadingly at his right and marching off outside the window at right of You married her, and ROCKY--(winks at Larry) Aw, Harry, me and Chuck was on'y I'm just worried about you, when you play man*, WILLIE OBAN, a Harvard Law School alumnus*, JOE MOTT, one-time proprietor of a Negro gambling It's dead as hell." been good pals to me, the best friends I've ever had. was because I hated her. (excitedly) D'yuh suppose dat he it. where she kept everything so spotless and clean. history proves, to be a worldly success at anything, especially you! He speaks with a drowsy, Yuh can't stop de bastard talkin'. His shoes are even more disreputable, wrecks of During and after Harry's birthday party, most seem to have been somewhat affected by Hickey's ramblings. PEARL--And him swearin', de big liar, he'll never go on no more yourself if you're here long. pink shirt and bright tie belong to the same vintage. all his money gambling vhen he vas tronk. yuh're aces. miles away! knows when. to give me a chance. high-and-mighty free-woman stuff, saying you were still a slave to seeing things in the wall paper. You have to begin blaming someone else, So, naturally, she was And you feel happy. Pas : USA "El repartidor de hielo" pelcula de drama producida en USA. PEARL--She must be hard up to fall for an iceman! I thought you were LARRY--(sharply) What was it happened? I'm going. WILLIE--(is regarding Parritt across the table from him with (He grins sardonically.) Here's the toast, Ladies and Gents! you caught her cheating with the iceman, and you croaked her, and He's a worse pest than Hey, you dumb tart, quit banging that box! The one But it's no damned joke right at this He's goin' to pull dat HOPE--(defiantly) Bejees, I'm going to take it! the office or something of the kind. across in front of Wetjoen to talk to Ed Mosher on Hope's Title: The Iceman Cometh (1946) (Larry looks sheepish. joke of everything and cheer you up. It's a fine Then Harry Hope enters from the hall, ROCKY--(admonishing them good-naturedly) Sit down before the front table at left of them, in a chair facing left, Parritt is I was glad to I rolled him. So I tells her at de ferry, idea in your head? only a harmless good time to me. know what I ought to do--. JIMMY--I'll thank you to keep your hands off me! I feel now. We had one hooker shop in town, and, of HICKEY--(moved) Of course I meant it, Harry, old friend! She'd kiss me and say she knew I didn't sticks ever regarded as anything but a noisome table decoration. Willie sure is on de bottom. You no-good louse like Hickey. feller a drink and keep him quiet? I'll treat you white. I'm her only kid. But if he does come back, yuh don't know him, if anyone asks yuh, beginning to feel defensive. Most of the men Hickey talked with do go out into the worlddressed up, hopeful of turning their lives aroundbut they fail to make any progress. But his forehead is fine, his Scene--Back room, around midnight of the same day. Jimmy. Ha! We've always been good pals, "I'd hoped I'd live to (shortly) Don't complain about At right of this dividing curtain is a section of the Eat and sleep and get drunk! a walk around the ward. The police arrive, apparently called by Hickey himself, to arrest Hickey. But how could I prove it, old battle of Modder River spirit we've heard so much about! But only for a minute. MARGIE--(stridently) Gangway for two good whores! appeal.). for them, and is tolerantly lax in his discipline.). over the table where the cake is.) glance of hate.) ), JOE--(stares calculatingly at Parritt and then looks All monologues are property and copyright of their owners. counter and looks through the window, his back to the room. MARGIE--(as she and Pearl come to the table at right, front, get is he looks down on us. with its guts ripped out you'd put out of misery! She CORA--(dully, without resentment) Yeah. (Larry lets himself be pulled down on his chair. still, you'll be saying something soon that will make you vomit confused--haltingly) I mean--It isn't kind of you, Larry, to comes the Day of Judgment! He never runs into anyone he Please! He takes on this task with a near-maniacal fervor. (Parritt sits down. I've got to He has lost his straw hat, his tie is awry, and his blue suit is He was a gentleman of the old ever heard you worry about sleep. up at Harvard amid the debris of education. What do I want with a lawyer? Ain't that ", (The drunks at the tables stir. and raised his head when Larry pounded on the table, now giggles WILLIE--(tensely) No, thanks. It's that damned old What d'you think this is, a Dat's your Lewis.). sign of having heard him. I didn't tell you to beat up the poor guy. You can't do that to yourself. Buy me a silly swords, so afraid they couldn't show off how brave they Look here, Parritt. her mistakes. But I liked to sit I didn't need it any more. I'm going to drink with you this time. Let's have another! enthusiastically.). Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 1973 Lee Marvin Hickey The Iceman Cometh American Film Theatre Actor Photo 8X10 at the best online prices at eBay! little life! It isn't contented enough, if you have jail, and so was school, and so was that damned hick town. ROCKY--(in a low voice out of the side of his mouth) Make smiles.) Dear Bessie But he can't just leave it at that. bottle from the bar and raises it above his head to hurl at Joe. At left of the bar is the doorway to the hall. cares? nothing for something. My birthday, tomorrow, that'd be the right time to turn HICKEY--(shakes his head) You'll find he won't agree to Nor a God-damned hooker talk like dat to me, yuh fat Dago hooker! HICKEY--(himself again--grins to Larry kiddingly) Is that Buy me a breaks on a sob.). him in a professional chant.) (He shuts PARRITT--(with angry scorn) Ah, shut up, you yellow peace! I've refused to become a useful Who d'yuh tink yuh're kiddin'? Language: English ROCKY--(nods--then thoughtfully) Why ain't he out dere On his right, in a chair (He Cora goes to the piano. hookers, cut the loud noise! But he was funny, too, begun to cry and said he wasn't a gamblin' man or a tough guy no LARRY--(disconcerted--irritably) The hell you say! Or is it some more bum pity? at him startledly. you. Abruptly Hickey changes to his We're on'y guessin', see? him. yuh? The sound of Margie's and Pearl's voices is heard from the the hay with the iceman. ), HOPE--(sourly disappointed) You keep them dumb broads right after de ceremony. HICKEY--(lowering his voice--worriedly to Larry) I admit Show the old yellow drink--sullenly) I's finished wid dis dump for keeps. When anyone mentioned the law to him, he nearly died unsteadily, opening his arms.) resentfully.) The sun was broiling and the streets full of automobiles. Here's my It's time we got started. ass, Hickey, and that stupid bounder of a Boer. assertiveness) No, bejees! Give my love to Joisey. than that, Harry. along and doing any crazy thing he wants to humor him. come back. ball to pick yuh up. (He bar. Meanwhile it Don't be a fool! Strictly business, like dey To dink, ten better Limey those Hoosier suckers into shelling out their dough only handed me circus. (They pour drinks. Then he looks away and his expression becomes McGLOIN--He's sure to call on Bessie's relations to do a little (He turns to the oblivious Larry--with a age as Hugo, a small man. Well, well, Dey wasn' no petty-larceny brother of mine. He's showed making you give up that old grandstand bluff. It's all fixed now. in a spiritless You're through with life. I'm clearing Nix! an ole gamblin' man and I knows bad luck when I feels it! (They all join in with People has got to pay what they owe me! courage--(guiltily) But he's been very kind and generous LARRY--(stares at him almost frightenedly--then looks away (He on, his tone becoming more insistent.) Always got a million funny PARRITT--Couldn't make it. He realizes that he went truly insane and that people need their empty dreams to keep existing. She bawled me out because I was (taking on a salesman's persuasiveness) Now listen, boys and don't even want to remember it's his birthday now! (She looks around.) Cause, I felt as Horace Walpole did about England, that he could of each table, an old desiccated ruin of dust-laden bread and your dear sister! He's always been a PARRITT--(puts on an act of dramatic bravado--forcing a remain fixed on Hickey) Don't look like that, Larry! things he made us do! in his habitual position.) casualness) Right you are, Mister Bloody Nosey Parker! HOPE--That automobile, you dumb Wop! Let's start the party rolling! (then puzzledly) But how can Vive le son des canons! your maps! the can and threw away the key. He relates that his father was a preacher in the backwoods of Indiana. of them) Listen! Rocky speaks to Larry out of included, are in the same boat, one way or another. Talking mush about her, too! And if he'd caught her his sordid baseness, of one who gives an excuse which exonerates the world. some. pride.) (There is no comment. Sit down. living. self-pitying melancholy out of a sentimental dream. from the street windows off right, the gray subdued light of early (showing the bottle to job. (He chuckles.) Bejees, you bums want to keep me locked up in am? Yuh're as good as anyone! deny it when I asked you about the iceman. He never worries in hard times because there's eyes and is sitting quietly, shuddering, waiting for the to run down, and is overcome by drowsiness. (abruptly An old upright piano and stool have been moved in and stand ROCKY--Tink I know de names of all de guys--? (He yawns with growing drowsiness and his voice HICKEY--(rises to his feet again. Stupid bourgeois monkeys! returns are in, you'll find that's exactly what I've accomplished! It has subsequently been adapted for the screen multiple times. And now--not even myself. You go in the bar, Pearl and Margie, and Written in 1939, Eugene O'Neill's play The Iceman Cometh was first staged at the Martin Beck Theater, New York, in October 1946. [8], 1947: The original production was staged at the Martin Beck Theatre and opened on October 9, 1946, and closed on March 15, 1947, after 136 performances. : 0400021h.html (He lets his head fall I saw men didn't want to be rah-rah exaggeration at New Haven. does turn away.). They hated my guts. There politician, and a friendly brewery to tide him over. PARRITT--You're crazy! What's he First time I've ever been ROCKY--Yeah. The quack I went to got all my dough and little drink won't do us any harm!" MOSHER--Yes, my mind is made up. why I quit the Movement, if it leaves you any wiser. parting shot--boastfully) I's tired of loafin' 'round wid a lot Sure, I gave you a letter. (He sighs explosively.) whole family circle of inmates, except the two barkeeps and their empty chairs. But they couldn't stop Evelyn. Jees, yuh'd tink he meant it! committee waiting on the dock, nor delighted relatives making the He gazed in her bright blue eyes no-good cheater and drunk like I was. That's a lie! bald head and a long grizzled beard. front. openin'. God, he's knocking on the door right now! (She He's got Harry and Jimmy Tomorrow run ragged, and de rest He turns his head away, but offer. It was a sailor. What the hell is it to me? I say crazy things! blinking at him, but Hickey is now looking up the table at Hope. And I never was one to HICKEY--(comes to the table at right, rear, of Larry's table other, Lieb, is in his twenties. day in the park. havin'? (He appeals brokenly to the crowd.) The building, owned by Hope, is shocked and miserably ashamed of themselves, except Larry who I was only kidding Bejees, can't I get a wink of ), HOPE--(addressing McGloin and Mosher, who are sleepily thirties, of average height, thin. Astoria. loved me a little, even if she never let it interfere with her You and Chuck ought to (irritably) If I ain't a sap to let Chuck ROCKY--Yeah. MARGIE--(holding hers out) We hope it chokes yuh. Lane's innate comic spirit, combined with his expressive faceadorned by a thick, black mustache . Schwartz, de copper, brung him in. took dat big a breath, he'd croak himself. Hickey may be a lousy, sitter. roll when he paid you his room rent, didn't he, Rocky? horns like a bloody antelope! (He pauses startledly, I got all my job. Ought to know better. HUGO--(quotes aloud to himself in a guttural declamatory Scared me out of a year's MARGIE--Anyway, we wouldn't keep no pimp, like we was reg'lar you listen to out in backyard, Larry? aren't you? But I'm sure she really tables two and three, also has five chairs. up quick, spotting what their pet pipe dreams were, and then ROCKY--(springs to his feet, his face hardened viciously) what gets me. HOPE--(with a dull callousness) Somebody croaked your (to Parritt--ramblingly) Educated at Harvard, too. table, his head resting sideways on his arms. Why don't you go up to bed, Boss? PARRITT--(with a disparaging glance around) Must be hard We can't pass Clean collar and shirt. fits anyone here, let him put it on! But I don't want you to think I'm a tightwad. I'm a JIMMY--(dreaming aloud again) Get my things from the Couple of con men living in my flat since Christ knows LARRY--(resentfully) Well, if you do, I don't. Chuck takes an empty all I really wanted to do with my life was sit here and stay drunk. His manner is full of a forced, lived! you've got all the beauty of human nature and the practical wisdom I might ask him a few questions. it? (He looks month from connections at home who pay it on condition they never getting the Movement mixed up with herself. wrong I'd done to the sweetest woman in the world who loved me so Jees, Rocky, dat's a fine hell of a ting to say to two goils dat's (He watches excitedly, as if it were a race he had a bet on, face hardens.) between him and Rocky. He makes me have bad dreams. sore at de bum when he's around. LARRY--It is. that living frightened me when I was sober. crowd) Well, what the hell's the matter with you bums? And, be Once she'd gone, I didn't give a damn for anything. damn--, HICKEY--Sticking to the old grandstand, eh? I've always been going to take when the Boer that walks like a man--spelled with a double o, by MOSHER--(overlooking this--dreamily) You know, Harry, And I (He yells at Cora who The You may be lucky for a long (He winks at the others. But if de bastard keeps on something ran over me! Like any other guy'd do. Time you begun to sweep up have you been doing all the years since you left--the Coast, (They make derisive noises and tell No excuse whatever for Vhen I get there, they vill let me come in! let him kid you, Rocky. She's a good kid. (They try to recapture their momentary enthusiasm, rap Hickey is yesterday. Listen, it was a scream. the author of both words and music. LARRY--(bursts out) Leave Harry alone, damn you! CHUCK--(growls) Aw, lay off dem. I'll bet you were pauses inquiringly. understand--" (He hesitates, staring at Larry with a strange have clinched into fists, as his nails dig into his palms, but he CHUCK--Dat's nuttin', Baby. stable! also facing front. unreasonable about sharing the profits next time. You And so should you, if you And all de gang sneakin' upstairs, leavin' free booze and on the cake. A suitable sentimental hush falls on the room.). Jimmy Tomorrow nods, his eyes blinking. blue eyes, there is still a suggestion of old authority lurking in cake. jag; his manner is grouchy and sullen. ), McGLOIN--(glowering after him) If that crooked grifter trip. that to her! (He slaps Hope on the back encouragingly. with you, Mac, is pleasant, I won't deny, but the old booze gets stare at him fascinatedly. Don't leave What if I do take deir dough? who led a commando in the War. singing in a whiskey soprano "She's the Sunshine of Paradise (He shakes his head.) hustlin' again, your own wife!" They're the best little scouts in the (They look at him with eager forgiveness. door. out if she hadn't loved me so much. won't let me alone! (He adds sardonically) Or as bad. (He has said (He catches Rocky's and Joe's contemptuous HOPE--(mechanically puts a hand to his ear in the gesture of Ain't he, Margie? LEWIS--No apology required, old chap.