Do you attract wealth like a magnet? Asouth nodein Capricorn denotes that you gain recognition from the public eye quickly, and anorth nodein Cancer suggests that you seek a more private life in this go-around. Check out my Past Life Astrology Toolkit with detailed tables to interpret my framework using your natal chart just $29USD. Now, your North Node in Gemini wants you to lay down roots, connect with your local community and bring clarity to your lifes work. Like the changing of the guard, the South and North Nodes move together, rotating backwards on Wednesday May 6th 2020. The south node represents your karma. You came into this life with a high level of intelligence and a natural ability to solve problems and analyze details. Astrologers use the lunar nodes to determine where your destiny lies (North Node) and what you were in past lifetimes (South Node). 2. Aquarius South Node. In order to get the full scope of your past lives, you also need to take the astrological house of your South Node into consideration. The North Node represents our destiny in this life, and what we are here to accomplish. North Node in Leo: South Node in Aquarius. While the North Node represents everything youre about to experience in future lives, the South Node represents everything that you experienced in previous lives. This . The South Node reveals the difficult things that we need to work on in this lifetime. If your south node is in Libra, then yournorth nodeis in Aries, and you are here to stand out from the crowd, not to go along with it. The South Node is shaped similar to an upright horseshoe (in a lucky position). Their mind and heart need to unite, but they need the unconventional in order for this to happen. A south node in Pisces has spent many lifetimes being a psychic sponge for other peoples ailments and can fall ill easily if they do not take enough time to recharge alone and out in nature. Instead of being a domestic caretaker, youre learning how to be a provider; how to be someone who goes out there and makes a name for themselves in order to support your family. At the same time, they were irresponsible and were not inclined to fulfill their karmic duties with dignity which was a major cause of hindrances in their past lives. You recognize that while your first impulses are usually correct, you are learning to balance that with the ideas and motivations of other people and come to collaborative solutions that everyone can feel good about. In your birth chart, you will find that the zodiac sign that represents your South Nodemay feel somewhat familiar to you. TheNorth Nodeon our birth chart indicates our life purpose and the growth points we are leaning into in this lifetime. The traditional interpretation of North Node in Leo is the ability to realize one's desires. The Virgonorth nodethat these people are moving toward teaches boundaries, routine, and implementing critical thought when emotions feel overwhelming. South Node Ketu is all about detachment and liberation while Aquarius represents the 11th house which belongs to the triangle of desires. The North Node, on the other hand, represents the path that you are growing into through this life. 3. On the upside, I do feel like this Aquarius energy comes through in my innovative business offerings and ideas and especially merging technology with creativity. This person may be the "great love of your life." Their memory is likely to stick with you forever, as your relationship has spanned many lifetimes. In Libra, the Element acts judgmentally, decisively, and neutrally. As a result of this, in the current life, they do not have too much natural wisdom. Your first inclination is probably to do things alone, and your impulses to act upon the first idea may be pretty intense. On the contrary, an undignified Saturn misguiding South Node Ketu in Aquarius shows that these individuals failed to fulfill their duties, dreams, and aspirations in past lives. These people make great humanitarians because they can draw attention to important causes. This may continue into the present life with confusion around whether to have children or not or feeling restricted by your role as a parent. The concern about the welfare of humanity motivates them to be creative and come up with unique ideas on how to improve it. As the 11th sign Aquarius represents the triangle of desires, an undignified Saturn shows that materialistic values were more important to them which lead them towards performing unethical deeds and shortcuts in order to satisfy personal materialistic desires. Saturn in virgo in the 1st with Sun, Mercury and Jupiter. The south node: Your innate gifts and past life. Asouth node in Sagittariuswitha north node in Geminidenotes a person who in this lifetime has mastered the life path of being the eternal nomad traveler, moving from quest to quest, and guru to guru. But is that truly what you need? Being conscious of themselves and trying to have their mind focused on intellectual subjects, they can no longer feel happy when others are admiring them for being themselves, in a setting in which theyre being successful all the time. My South Node is in Aquarius indicating a past life where I was a revolutionary, exiled or an outsider. In past lifetimes, these people were used to other people (usually in their family or a partner) taking care of them financially. Their body can work with all the abilities they used to have, but it's advisable for them to let go when it comes to these. (Sahih al-Bukhari 3446, Al-Adab Al-Mufrad 5, al-Baqarah 2:228, Riyad as-Salihin 278)(Words From The Last Sermon Of The Last Prophet [PBUH])All people are practically beleivers if they believe in one God, The Prophets (some of them: Solomon, Moses, Jesus) and The Seal of Prophets (Muhammad) peace be upon them. The south node, on the other hand, represents your past, where you are . You could have been the coach for a legendary sports team or even the president of the United States. The Moon 's nodes, or lunar nodes, are two fascinating pieces of the astrological jigsaw that is your natal chart. You should also look for any aspects your South Node may be forming with other planets in your birth chart. Because time has sped up so much, even just in the past 50-100 years, as long as we continue coming back to Earth in a body, we will have new challenges to face. Already gifted in the realms of the senses, this lifetime for you is to explore the mythical and the mystical. But protect truth and believers at all costs. There can be times when theyre outrageous on purpose, as well refusing to show how much theyre worth to those in higher positions. The north node, meanwhile, indicates the purpose you need to fulfill in this lifetime. In this life, youre learning how to be a team-player; how to cooperate and make adjustments based not only on the needs of your allies, but for the benefit of the entire collective. Youre learning how to not only survive, but thrive. Leo represents your karmic past. . Read an in-depth analysis of your Capricorn south node in this article. Hence, they do not have to stress about their financial condition if they are willing to fulfill their soul purpose diligently. So we need to look at the Past Life Astrology by the south node placement and consider how we may have been limited and how it may be limiting our potential and distorting our present life experience. That is unless it makes an aspect to a "karmic" planet or house or the south node. You may have felt isolated, may have had to hide who you really were and likely were innovative and intelligent. Youve spent many lifetimes tending to your spirituality, which shines through your South Node in Pisces. If your South Node is in the 2nd House, in your past life, you were obsessed with money. In addition, you are used to being known and recognized in your local community for something and are less likely to go beyond the people and places you know and are familiar with. In this life, the challenge is to become selfless. You could have been a match-maker and a party-planner; someone who brings people together. Planets conjunct the South Node - Any planets within 10 degrees of your south node provide an additional layer to your past life and provide insight into your core past-life personality. This point of the chart represents the themes and challenges that you need to head towards. It means that most of them give high value to the resource of time and therefore spend it wisely by being alone mostly. In past lives, you may have been a lawyer or a mediator. Then, look on either side of the moons axis to locate both the North Node and South Node. Its time to open your heart to others and allow love to show you how to be in a healthy and harmonious partnership by following your North Node in Libra. Just like the current life youre living, our past lives are riddled with challenges and lessons. After all, your past always contains clues about your future. THE NODES IN 2022. It means that the generous, humble, wise, spiritual, righteous, philosophical, optimistic planet of abundance Jupiter combines with stable, persistent, down-to-earth, realistic, reliable, generous, loving, fixed earth sign Taurus. A Libra South Node can suggest that you were too much of a people-pleaser in a past life. Its not at all attractive for them to be dependent, but theyre in fact seeking this when in a relationship, as they dont want to be isolated. This shows that these individuals harness the experience, talents, and imagination obtained in past to expand their wisdom and intelligence in their current life. In a birth chart, the South Node represents what talents or abilities or tendencies you bring into this life from when you were born, or perhaps before that, Gonzalez says. That is, do not be quick to judge and leave judgment to God except when there is direct threat to righteous beleivers. Ultimately, the South Node represents the karmic challenges or skills that you are given in this lifetime. The placement of this Node is indicating that they love cooperating and that they may have had power in the past. For these auspicious effects, it is self-explanatory that Saturn, the host of South Node Ketu in Aquarius must be dignified which proves that they accomplished great aspirations in past lives during which they attained an abundant amount of wisdom and experience. The more lives you live, the more baggage you carry. And, if we are basing too many choices on what will bring us comfort without making choices based on growth and expansion, we may find our lives feeling small and pre-planned with no adventures or variety.
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